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You must increase the amount of enzymes in your digestive system. The longer you take certain drugs or medications, the lower your enzyme count becomes. Enzymes motabolize and process drugs such as opioids. The more enzymes, the lower your tolerance to medication.

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Q: How to lower tolerance to medication when it's rapid onset after just a few doses?
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Why is the rate of onset of the medication in intramuscular administration slow?

There is little blood flow to the fatty tissue where the solution is injected. The absorption rate will hence be slow and this will lead to a slow rate of onset.

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Adult onset diabetes can be a scary diagnosis. Ask your doctor if education classes on managing diabetes are available in your area. These classes offer information and tips on medication, meters, nutrition and physical activity.

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Yes, you could give the haloperidol solution orally, but the onset of action will not be as rapid as if you give it parenterally (intravenously or intramuscularly) and at typical parenteral doses, the efficacy may not be as complete.

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Increased tolerance to lactic acid can result from regular physical training, specifically aerobic exercises like running or cycling. This training improves the body's ability to efficiently clear lactic acid from the muscles, delaying the onset of fatigue and allowing for longer periods of intense activity. Additionally, including high-intensity interval training in a workout routine can also help increase lactic acid tolerance.

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When you hold medications in your mouth with water and swallow once they dissolve does it decrease the medication's effectivity?

Oral medication is coated for a few reasons, but the most prevalent is that the medication is intended to dissolve in a certain part of your body. For instance, your stomach resists acids a lot better than your mouth or esophagus, so aspirin, which is an acid, it typically enterically coated so as to not release the medication until it's in an area where the aspirin will do the least damage. Holding an aspirin in your mouth until it dissolves isn't likely to increase the efficacy of the medication -- in fact it may reduce it -- as well as hurting your mouth. For non-coated meds, they'll typically dissolve very fast in your stomach, so the onset of the medication's effects will differ by almost no time at all. In a very few meds you might get a faster onset of the medication's effects, but this is rarely the case, and in some cases may be quite dangerous. So -- in summary -- usually no appreciable difference, and where there is, it may be dangerous.

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rapid onset type

What is the Archaic term for military attack?

the answer is 'onset'

What if They Stop Taking Medicine?

For those with hypothyroidim or Hashimoto's thyroiditis, forgetting to take thyroid medication on a daily basis, or taking it at different times of the day, can prolong symptoms as well as the onset of other symptoms.