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The average of a marijuana's plant height is 8.6 - 11.5 feet. Also you can train your plant to be more bushy then tall, then you can get it as low as 2.5 feet high.(lol) The Tallest marijuana plant recorded is 14.1 feet.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Yield of a marijuana plant depends on the conditions under which growing occurs, as well as the strain, or breed, of marijuana. Typically, indoor, high-grade marijuana (such as Kush or Dank) yields anywhere from 20 grams to 3 ounces. Outdoor growing presents higher yields. Certain plants can yield over a pound of marijuana if grown outdoors.

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14y ago

The height of a cannabis plant does not tell it when to flower, or, "start making buds."

Its when the days turn shorter that the plant begins to produce flowers.

Plants at any height can flower as long as the days get shorter and the nights get longer.

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13y ago

Like all gardening, the cultivation of marijuana needs constant care. Daily watering, access to sunlight, the right mix of fertalisation, water drainage as well as protection from other plants attempting to suck up all the nutrients and water you're feeding to the plant.

Treat it like any young sapling. Plant a few in small containers, water regularly and transplant when they're a few centimetres high into larger containers that have good drainage as well as root sheilding.

Cultivating marijuana is illegal in most countries however so be prepared to face the consequences - and be aware that the taller the plant, the more likely someone's going to notice it.

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13y ago

14.1ft tall . that's the tallest recorded up to date

14.1ft tall . that's the tallest recorded up to date

14.1ft tall . that's the tallest recorded up to date

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14y ago

A guy got arrested for having a hedge of weed in his yard. He had 30 plants, each of them at least 6 feet tall. I bet if you really tried, he could get them taller.

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Robert Maestas

Lvl 4
5y ago

As tall as till the neighbors can't see it without looking over your fence!

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15y ago

Anywhere from 6-12ft.

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11y ago

6-8 feet.

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Q: How tall can a marijuana plant get?
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What are the sources of marijuana?

Marijuana comes from 2main types of plants the sativa which is a tall plant with skinny leafs and the indica plant which is short with thick leafs.

What plants are in marijuana?

Marijuana is not in any plant - it is a plant. Cannibus Sativa is the 'Marijuana Plant'.

What plant does marijuana come from?

the marijuana plant of course/cannabis plant/dope

What are the physical characteristics of the marijuana plant?

The marijuana plant is a tall, slim plant with palmate leaves and serrated edges. It produces flowers that are typically green with orange or white hairs. The plant can grow up to 18 feet tall and has a strong, distinctive odor.

How do you indentify a marijuana plant?

a marijuana plant ethier has 7 or 9 leaves

How much can you make off of a 4 foot tall marijuana plant?

Depends on how much bud it produced, and the potency of the bud.

Is marijuana a vegetable?

No. Marijuana is categorized as a plant.

How tall can the marijuana plant grow?

Marijuana plants can grow anywhere from a few feet to over 15 feet tall, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Indoor plants usually reach 3 to 6 feet, while outdoor plants can get much taller due to unrestricted root space and sunlight.

A drug obtained from hemp plant?

cannabis its marijuana

Is marijuana a powder?

No, marijuana is not typically found in powder form. It is typically in the form of dried plant material, buds, or resin extracted from the plant.

If your marijuana plant is a male 2 feet tall when should it start budding?

If it is a male plant it could grow 100 feet and still not bud, for only females deliver such delight.

Does marijuana come from the poppy plant?

No. It comes from the marijuana plant. The scientific name is cannabis sativa/inidica.