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That would depend on what you have taken. Each drug can stay in the system for adifferent amount of time, longer depending on how much you have used.

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Q: How soon after taking medication can you pass urine test?
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it will show up that day any opiate will be detected in the urine soon after taking it ,can also be detected up to 48 to 72 hours ,not much after that

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Impossible to know from your description exactly what is going on, but you should go see a doctor, as soon as possible.

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Cocaine is detectable in urine as soon as 4 hours after first usage

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it takes about 2 days taking about 4-8 pills a day to get it out of your system.

What happen to a person if he stops taking their medication too soon?

Depending on what kind of medication you are talking about most likely it will cause withdrawals which can include lots of things , cold sweats, chills , restlessness, diarrhea, dizziness or sleeplessness and possible others

How do you pass felony probation urine test?

I would not suggest trying to fool a felony probation urine test. My answer would be to quit smoking. Tough as it may be it is certainly easier then dealing with the consequences of failing the test. If the test is soon and you do not have this option, they sell many OTC products that literally stop metabolites (THC) from being digested for a period of some hours which in theory allow you to pass a urine test.

Why do people use medication and abuse it?

because as soon as they try the medication and sees what kind of feeling it gives them they just love that feeling and they don't want it to ever go away and the more they take the more their tolerance builds up to the medication so they have to keep taking more to get that same feeling again.

Does drinking mountain dew help pass a urine test?

No, drinking Mountain Dew will not help you pass a urine test. It is unlikely to have any effect on the outcome of a drug test as it does not have any properties that would mask the presence of drugs in the urine. It is always best to follow the appropriate procedure for passing a urine test.

I have been on about 30mg of oxycodone a day for the last 3 months of my pregnancy. With no prescription. I have had the worst back pain in my life so I resorted to taking them. I am 35 weeks pregnant?

See a qualified medical professional as soon as is poosible as taking unperscribed medication can have complications attached

How do you get rid of body odor without taking a shower?

Scrub down with baby wipes, as they are meant to remove urine odor . But bathe as soon as you can, as germs will continue to grow. This is a temporary emergency solution only.

Why is my urine is black?

You need to take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.