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any age even under 18

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Q: How old do you have to be to use extenze?
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Related questions

How old do you have to be when you buy extenze?

You have to be at least 18 years old to purchase ExtenZe, as it is a male enhancement product that is intended for adult use only.

What are the different types of Extenze commecials?

ExtenZe is a drug that should only be used by adult males. It is not safe for male children to use and one must consult a doctor first. Most ExtenZe commercials involve well known sports figures or celebrities endorsing the product.

Is there a generic form of extenze?

No it appears that Extenze is a generic drug. Therefore there is no generic for it.

Will extenze give you a dirty urine?

extenze ht gives you a dirty urine

What will extenze show up as on a drug test?

what will extenze show up as on a drug test

Does the enhancement pill extenze contain THC?

does the enhancement pill extenze contain thc

What time should you take extenze?

Use it when your getting an erection that's the best way of seeing results.

Can you take extenze with antibiotics?

Since Extenze is a useless, harmless placebo, you can mix it with anything you want, and nothing bad will happen.

Can you take extenze when on Adderall?

Yes, absolutely. I took two extenze while on double my daily adderal amount. No problems.

How do you make your pp grow?


Can you chew extenze pills?

No, you absolutely cannot chew Extenze pills. These pills are currently only made to be swallowed with liquid in whole.

Can teens take extenze?

Teens should not take Extenze at all. It is a herbal nutritional supplement that claims to promote natural male enhancement.