About 4.5 pounds a day!
The average diet is about 2,000 calories per day.
120 grams a day
around 5% of your body weight
A study in the daily mail revealed it was about £275 per year
As of June 2009 the average daily water use per person per day was 220L.
possibly, but you will be brought to the ER for OD and pumped with tar to absorb all the toxins. DONT DO IT
5.6 L/min. for a male...4.9 L/min for a female
The average person consumes about 550 liters of oxygen per day through breathing. This amount can vary depending on factors such as age, activity level, and altitude.
Too Much
Xanax will show up on a drug screen. It depends on which type of drug test is being performed to know if it will know how much you take daily. Some drug tests test for the presence of drugs by themselves (the result is either positive or negative only), and some tests will show the amount of the drug in your urine.