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Q: How much prochlorperazine can you take a day?
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Can you take ibruprofen with prochlorperazine?

Yes. No interactions.

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What form does prochlorperazine come in?

Prochlorperazine is available only with a physician's prescription. It is sold in syrup, capsule, tablet, injection, and suppository forms.

Can you take levothyroxine with prochlorperazine?

It is best to talk to your Doctor Who prescribed the medications since both of these require a prescription. However, it is safe to take prochlorperazine with levothyroxine since there are no drug-drug interactions and no disease states that would prompt you to take either of the medications that would cause concern for taking both medications at the same time.

Is prochlorperazine maleate appropriate therapy for mild vertigo?

Hi i have been suffering dizziness for about two weeks and it really is effecting my day to day life.I have been put on prochlorperazine maleate tablets to try to help my dizziness i have to say that it doesnt do much but does help abit im not sure it is a therapy just thought i would post a comment on here as im currently taking them now Hi I,m also having dizzy attacks and endded up in A &E ward for 2 nights Drs diagnosed Labyrinthitis.I am also on prochlorperazine it does help but the problem is still ongoing and its now 5 weeks,although it is not as bad as it was .I'm told it could go on for some weeks.How long????

What is the use of prochlorperazine?

In moderm medical practice, prochlorperazine is most often used for the treatment of vertigo and nausea and vomiting. The drug was formerly used to treat psychosis and the manic phase of bipolar disorder, but is now rarely used for that purpose. In the United Kingdom, prochlorperazine maleate has been made available as as an over-the-counter treatment for migraine headaches.

Can one drive while on prochlorperazine?

People who take this drug should not drive, use machines, or do anything else that might be dangerous until they have found out how the drug affects them.

Is prochlorperazine the same as phenergan?

They have similar properties, but are absolutley not the same medications.

What drug controls vomiting by inhibiting dopamine in the CRTZ?

Compazine (prochlorperazine).

Why should you avoid the sun if taking prochlorperazine?

Prochlorperazine makes some people sweat less, which can allow the body to overheat. The drug may also make the skin and eyes more sensitive to the sun.

How much water should you take in a day?

it is reccomended you take in 2 liters of water a day