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It depends on the strength and where you buy it. The internet is the cheapest place for it. 10x runs 5-10 for a decent amount, 20x runs 15-20, and 40x runs 40-50. If ya dont wanna wait to get it mailed to ya, go to your local headshop. Most carry some varities but you will be looking at a markup. Just as a friendly p.s., take it outside! Things can get a little hairy smoking it indoors.

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15y ago

for the good stuff its about 20-25 per oz Extracts are from 15 to 20 per gram

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Q: How much is 40x of salvia cost?
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What intensifies salvia?

You don't need to intensify salvia, and if you did for some reason want to then just buy stronger salvia. I've had 10x extract and regular old 40x the 10x extract had me tripping hard. I became a car and was driving through some old scenic road out west. The regular 40x i had a bad trip. However, smoking salvia while you're drunk does intensify the journey.

Where do you get salvia in Oklahoma?

i live in Oklahoma where its illegal and its BS. just order it off the internet. get the 40x. its the best.

What is the average price of salvia in Ontario?

Toronto prices are as follows: 30 bucks for a gram of 20x salvia. 40 for 30x, 50 for 40x, 60 for 80x, and 70 for 100x. if you don't want to buy a full gram theres a smoke shop on woodbine and queen (assuming you live in Toronto) that sells 40x for 8.99, its about enough for 2 full bowls,

When was Salvia viridis created?

Salvia viridis was created in 1753.

Is salvia used in Chinese medicine?

If by Salvia you mean Salvia Divinorum, then the answer is no. Salvia Divinorum is not used in Chinese medicine, as Salvia does not naturally grow in any region of China. Salvia Divinorum is only to be found in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Has salvia nemorosa got similar properties to salvia divinorum?

No, Salvia nemorosa does not contain salvinorins, the active components of Salvia divinorum.

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What is the birth name of Joey Salvia?

Joey Salvia's birth name is Joseph Salvia.

Salvia extract didn't work well I had a quarter of a gram of 40X extract so 40mg of pure salvinorin A and I smoked the entire thing and hardly felt its effects I held it all in What am I doing wrong?

It is most likely that your 40x is not actually 40x. A 1/4 gram of 40x smoked correctly would put you in a state that you would not remember when coming out of it. More than 1 mg of pure Salv A is enough for strong effects. Try smoking 1/100 of a gram and: Holding the smoke for 30 seconds (by then your vision should be vibrating) Holding the flame on it the entire time, as Salv A needs more heat than marijuana Using a bubbler or bong Work your way up in dose from there. If you still get to 1/4 of a gram with no effects than what you have is not salvia.

Will salvia get you high?

Depends on what kind of salvia you're talking about. Only Salvia Divinorum species can get you high. Don't get fooled, there are a lot of varieties of Salvia.

Is salvia tested in Louisiana?

No, you can not test for salvia.

Where did salvia originate?

Salvia is from Oaxaca Mexico.