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Q: How much does wound ointment cost?
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How much does it cost for some good ointment for a sprained ankle at Walgreens?

The cost of good ointment for a broken ankle at Walgreens depends on what brand you buy and whether or not it is on sale. It can cost between $8 and $15 per ointment.

Debridement Ointment?

Synerheal Gel Debridement Ointment, a cutting-edge solution for comprehensive wound care

What is Synerheal Gel Debridement Ointment?

Introducing Synerheal Gel Debridement Ointment, a cutting-edge solution for comprehensive wound care

How do you use ointment in a sentences?

Putting ointment on various body parts will hopefully heal the wound, sore, etc.

What antibiotics for deep wound?

Furazolidone ointment is indicated, after a careful cleaning with H2O2.

What is the correct spelling for Sauve an ointment you put on a wound?

I think you are looking for salve.

Antibiotic tablets used to heal a wound?

antibiotic identicates to clean the wound..not to cure..for tat u need ointment named poviernix

Can you put antibiotic ointment on a flesh wound?

Antibiotic ointment can be put on some flesh wounds. It can help to reduce the risk of infection. Antibiotic ointment should not be used on flesh wounds that are deep and require stitches.

What is the best way to treat a dog's injured paw with antibiotic ointment to prevent infection and promote healing?

To treat a dog's injured paw with antibiotic ointment, first clean the wound with mild soap and water. Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment to the affected area, then cover it with a clean bandage. Monitor the wound for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or discharge. If the wound does not improve or worsens, consult a veterinarian for further treatment.

How do you care for minor injuries at home?

For minor injuries like cuts and bruises you can clean the wound with some rubbing alcohol and apply neosprin or bacitracin ointment and cover the wound with bandaids.

How much does baby hygiene cost?

Keeping a baby clean does not cost much. Basic soap and water will keep baby clean and other items needed may be diaper rash ointment or lotion.

What to do when someone has suffered a burn?

Ifthe burns are superficial,"SILVERX" ointment will help greatly..Wash the wound with running or cold water,put ice on it for sometime and after that put silverx cream on the wound.