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Q: How much amphetamine will cause dilated pupils?
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What do your pupils do when you go into shock?

Your pupils dilate. Your nervous system is in control of your pupils it affects the cranial nerve called the ocular nerve which causes it to not respond to light hence the dilation.

Why are both eyes dialated with NO drugs?

The part of the eye that dilates is known as the pupil. It sometimes dilates when you look at someone that you are physically attracted to. This happens because of a chemical reaction in your brain. Pupils also dilate according to how much light is present to allow better vision. Pupils are dilated when there is little light available. You can test this out by looking in a mirror where there is a lot of light (your pupils should be very small because allowing too much light in damages the eyes). Then look into a mirror where there is less light and your pupils will have dilated. During a concussion, a person may also have dilated pupils. I'm not sure why, but probably as a result due to the force of impact sustained by the head.

What effect does psilocybin drug have on your pupils?

If taken orally, the drug will just dilate your pupils very much. If taken through the nostril in a crushed form, it may cause your eyes to water, redden, and will dilate them even more because the ecstasy hits the bloodstream near your eyes quicker this way.

Signs of ecstasy use ina teenager?

signs of ecstacy use can be 1)Dilated pupils 2)slurred speech 3)grinding of the teeth 4)and pretty much just trippin balls

Does Fentanyl cause pinpoint pupils?

Yes it does. But not to the extent that stronger opioids do. It is much weaker than oxycodone, morphine etc. Constriction of pupils is most common when somebody overdoses on tramadol.

What does too much Serotonin in the brain do?

Having too much serotonin in the brain, known as serotonin syndrome, can cause symptoms such as confusion, agitation, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, dilated pupils, and muscle stiffness. In severe cases, it can lead to seizures, coma, and even death. It is important to seek medical attention if experiencing symptoms of serotonin syndrome.

How much is 62.5 percent out of 480 pupils in a school?

300 pupils.

Can too much caffeine dilate your pupils?

Yes it can - Caffeine is a stimulant and causes a release of adrenaline. Adrenaline is the hormone which prepares us for 'fight or flight' in stressful situations and it has a number of effects on the body. One of these effects is dilated pupils (if you are going to fight or run away from danger, you will need to be able to see as well as possible!)

30mg in amphetamine how much would it be in straterra mg?

30 mg in amphetamine is 40 mg in straterra mg.

How much do one's pupils dilate while on MDMA?

your eyes go almost completely black, like shark eyes but you'll barely be able to see the colored part of your eye. and i mean barely. it also depends on the person though. mine got extremely dilated.

Using marijuana makes you eat but your husband is losing weight and not eating much .is he doing something else?

it is possible He could be using an amphetamine such as cocaine which can cause loss of appetite.

How do eyes adapt to sudden dakness?

The pupils get larger. Pupils take in light and if it is dark, there is not much light if there is any at all. The pupils grow larger to take in as much light as possible. If the hole is bigger, more light can come in faster.