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All of them. There is no medical need to have a period. While taking the pill the lining of the uterus stops building up the way it does without BCP. The bleeding every month is actually withdrawal bleeding in response to hormones dropping when the pill is stopped for a few days.

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11y ago

There's no limit to how many you can skip; however, if you do it often, you may be more likely to experience unscheduled bleeding or spotting.

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10y ago

There is no limit, medically, to the number of periods you may safely skip while on the Birth Control pill.

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Can you take birth control to delay period if you're not on birth control?

You shouldn't be taking birth control if you're not prescribed it. Birth control pills don't stop periods, they stop pregnancy.

How do Birth control pills affect a woman's menstrual periods?

A woman's menstrual periods are regular and usually lighter when she is taking oral contraceptives

Are there certain foods to avoid while taking the pill to regulate periods?

There are no known food-birth control pill interactions, neither for birth control nor menstrual control use.

How soon after you stop taking birth control pills should your periods become regular?

A couple of months.

Can starting birth control cause two periods in one month?

It's possible that breakthrough bleeding could occur as result of taking birth control pills.

What would cause breakthrough bleeding in between periods while taking birth control pills?

fibriod tumors

You had a period 2 months after you gave birth you have been taking birth control for 3 months stopped nursing and have missed 2 periods What could be the reason for missing your period?

the birth control is probably it.

You are taking the pill and your period stopped after 1 day?

It is normal to have light periods or no period at all while birth control.

Birth control skiping periods?

Women can take the birth control pills continuously without a break to skip the periods.

Will birth control often stop your period?

It can. It depends on what type you are taking. Some BC is designed to give shorter, lighter periods.

What if your period comes three days early while taking birth control?

Birth control pills/patches can really do a number on your hormones so it's quite common for your periods to be all over the place (especially when you first start taking them or you stop them.)

What are you to do if a guy takes birth control?

If he is taking female birth control pills forget him. They contain hormones and he is not taking them for birth control.