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There are no exact figures, but, as the most common serious side effect is due to a allergic reaction to the vaccine, and that reaction occurs less than 1 time per million doses administered, the number of fatalities directly due to the vaccine itself is extremely small.

The OPV (activated polio virus) causes polio just over 2 in a million times. The IPV (inactivated polio virus) does not cause polio at all. IPV is now the standard vaccine given in countries where polio is no longer present - OPV is the standard where polio is still endemic (as it is a bit more effective than the IPV in promoting resistance).

Overall, in the 50+ year history of the various polio vaccines, I would estimate that the total number of deaths linked to the vaccine number in the low hundreds, almost all of them due to uncontrolled allergic reactions. Which is a very low risk, considering that upwards of 20 billion vaccines have been given.

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The polio vaccine was introduced in 1955. Before the development of the vaccine one thousand people died each year from the disease.

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15y ago

23 million people, have so far been killed by Polio. That is an estimate by the USDA.

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Polio was one of the most dreaded childhood diseases of the 20th Century in the United States. There were usually about 13,000 to 20,000 cases of paralytic polio reported each year in the US before the introduction of Salk inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) in 1955. Polio peaked in 1952 when there were more than 21,000 reported cases. The number of cases of polio decreased dramatically following introduction of the vaccine and the development of a national vaccination program. In 1965, only 61 cases of paralytic polio were reported compared to 2,525 cases reported cases just five years earlier in 1960.

Which vaccine was being worked on in 1952?

Polio was the vaccine being worked on. It was discovered by Jonas Stalk in 1952. He depleted many cases of the disease.

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Immunizations were formed in an attempt to fight different disease such as polio. In many parts of the world where immunizations are given, polio and other previously deadly diseases are virtually non existent.

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I was vaccinated for Polio as a child in the mid 1950's. I am 62 yrs. old now--am I still immuned to contracting ?Polio

How many people have polio today worldwide?

As of July 14, 2010 there have been 545 cases of "wild" polio worldwide in 2010. The total number of cases in 2009 was 1604. There are still some countries using the oral polio vaccine that in extremely rare cases can cause polio. I don't know the statistics for those cases.

How many died of polio in 1949?

50,000 people died of polio.

Is polio vaccination is required to travel Ethiopia?

Yes, travel to many of the African countries need Polio vaccine dose prior to 4 weeks of Travel. This is irrespective of you had it when you were a kid. VINIT KANKARIYA

Who was Dr.Salk?

Dr. Jonas Salk was an American virologist who developed the first successful polio vaccine. His discovery of the polio vaccine in 1955 was considered a milestone in the fight against the disease and led to its eventual eradication in many parts of the world. Dr. Salk's work saved countless lives and revolutionized the field of public health.

Devoloped a vaccine for pollio that became widely used in 1955?

Dr. Jonas Salk of La Jolla, California, developed the first polio vaccination. It was widely used in 1955 and for many years longer. The Salk Institute went on to do more important scientific developments.