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Out of a population of 300 million, something like 165 million take Caffeine regularly, usually in the form of Coffee. This represents about 55% of the population.

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12y ago

Alot more then 10 people are addicted to caffeine

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Q: How many americans are addicted to caffeine?
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Related questions

Do you need caffeine for your body?

No, the body does not need caffeine. People who are addicted to caffeine might think they need it, though.

How do people get addicted to pop?

the caffeine in it and probly diffrent ingretiants

Can you become addicted to energy drinks?

yes becouse of all the caffeine in it

Can you get addicted to redbull?

Red Bull contains caffeine, which is highly addictive.

What does dtfca mean?

It stands for 'Durable Teets For The Caffeine Addicted'. I hope I have helped.

Why do same people get addicted to pop or other caffeine related things?

well ppl get addicted to pop and other caffeine related things because caffeine is like candy u cant let you better get to u but if u need a better answer i dont mind im just a teen

How does caffeine effect your health?

caffeine is actually a drug. if you have too much, you could get addicted. once you get addicted and drink/eat too much of it, you get very hyper. therefore, you could have a heart attack, spasm or heart/kidney problems.

Can you get addicted to coffee?

the thing that makes it so addicting is the caffeine.just like energy drinks they are to addictive

What percent of Americans are addicted to tobacco?


What creates the chocolate addiction?

research proves that chocolate is not addicting. the only reason one may seem addicted to it, is the lack of will power to stop. you cannot become addicted to chocolate, you may become addicted to the caffeine in it though

How you feel about addiction to drug?

Personally I have been addicted to caffeine since the 5th grade and I am in the 8th now, but I think anyone can be addicted to whatever the h*** they want to because it's not my problem.

Are the Jonas brothers relly on caffeine?

Yes. They LOVE caffeine. They say themselves that they think they are addicted to it. Kevin even has a Starbucks "radar". He'll say, "Two miles to Starbucks", and he'll be right!