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well, if you don't take anything that will help you flush it out of your system, i'd say 30 to 40 days, weed stays in your system longer then any other drug ............. if you want to get weed out your system if you smoked 4-8 times daliy, drink about 4 to 5 gallons of water that should get the pot out of your system, i would not drink more then 1 gallon of water per day thou cause there is a chance you will get sick

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Q: How long will it take a 250 lb man to get pot out of your system if you smoked 4-8 times a day?
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still 30 days, however you take the THC it's all the same, eatin or smoked

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Depending on how often you've smoked, 30 days or less.

If your are about 400 lbs and you smoked 2 days ago how long does it take to clean weed out your system?

If you mean you smoked cannibis, give it 4-6 weeks, and longer in hair follicles.