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Periods can last three days or five or seven or more or less. Five days is probably average, but every woman is different.

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16y ago

it should last 3 - 8 days at a time

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Q: How long should your period last?
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How long should your period last for?

About 4 to 5 min

After having a c-section how long does it take to get a period?

Your period should last about 2 weeks the most..

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Five to 10 minutes

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It depends what you are training for.

How soon after your last period should you get another period?

You should get your next period , about a month from when you got your last period.

How can you make your period last longer?

Your period lasts as long as your body needs it to. I am not sure why you would want to make your period last longer but you should not try to altar your bodies natural cycles.

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it should start in about 35 days, if not a pregnancy test should be administered.

How long should premenstrual shedding brown stuff last before your period?

Not usually more than a day.

When calculating your due date do you go by your last messed up period or your last normal period?

You should go by your last normal period.

My last period was on the 1st of December 2009 when should my next period be?

If my last period was on the first of December when is my next period due?

What should I do if my period is 6 days long?

You shouldn't worry so much about this. Sometimes periods can last that long or even longer. Just make sure that you are being sanitary. If your period last longer than ten days, consult a doctor.

How long did Micropachycephalosaurus's period last?

it does not have one