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my psychiatrist gave me Suboxone 8mg/2mg , I also take Vicodin 5/500mgs for breakthru pain, is this safe?? and how long do I have to wait to take a vicodin, well, actually it would be hydrocodone the generic for the vicodin, to work on my pain??

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15y ago
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Nate Dolgner

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2y ago
Why would you even be prescribed both at the same time?
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14y ago

It's best to wait until you start feeling the effects of withdrawal... yawning/slight aches/irritability/drug craving/sneezing... you know, all the first fun classic signs. If you dont, you'll be thrown into full-fledged withdrawal right away.

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15y ago

wait 12 hours .if you dont it will put you into immediate withdraw. Trust me. I tried it 6 hours after my last dose. Wait until you start to feel like you are going into opiate withdraw. My Fiance is a pharmacist and i read all this information on her special computer website just for pharmacists and doctors.

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14y ago

If you are on Suboxone you will feel nothing from the percocet. That is what the medication was designed for. Its prevent withdrawls and pushing opiates out of your system. Suboxone nutralizes the effects of opiate antagonists. Its a miracle drug.

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Q: How long should you wait to feel the effects of a percocet after taking suboxone?
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Will Percocet help with suboxone withdraws?

Its pointless to take percocet while taking suboxone because suboxone blocks all of your reseptors in your body so the narcodic from the percocet cant get in your reseptors, its a waste of percocets

Can you take percocet with suboxone?

I want to know can I take percocets after not taking suboxone for three days and will the percocet work effectively? A: It depends on how long you've been taking Suboxone, and how many mgs. If you have been taking a low dosage(less than 8mg a day for about a week), three days should be fine. If you've been taking upwards of 8-24mg a day for a week or more, three days may not be enough. I would wait until you feel "the need" to take opiates again.

Will you feel percocet 10s the next day after taking one suboxone 8 the day before?

no the suboxone blocks the "high" feeling. if you are not going into withdrawal yet do not take suboxone as it will push you into full withdrawal and you will be sick. it should not be started until 12 hours into withdrawal.

Is it safe to take alteril and suboxone?

I have been taking lamictal and suboxone for 22days now and this is what was prescribed to me so as far as I know its safe, I have had no side effects.

If you took suboxone 4hrs after percocete what will happen?

nothing you will be fine. The percocet is already mostly out of your system in about five hours. Just do not ever take suboxone and then take and kind of opiate pain relievers because you will get very sick.

Chronic Suboxone users effects of alcohol?

If you are a chronic Suboxone user, there will be little to no side effects if you drink alcohol, except you might get sleepier than you normally would. After I quit heroin and started taking Suboxone, I became a raging alcoholic. I was drinking a liter of vodka a day, on top of my Suboxone. However, Suboxone is bad for your liver, and so is alcohol, so drinking while you're on Suboxone is very hard on your liver.

If you have taken suboxone will you feel a 30mg OC?

It depends on several different factors: how much suboxone you took, how long have you been taking it, and if you only took a suboxone once between taking pills: how high your tolerance is to oxycodone.If you only took one dose of suboxone (between 2mg and 8mg) you should be able to feel the full effect of the OC after 24 hours. After about 12 hours you'll feel some effects, but definitely not what you would normally expect from 30mg of OC. If you've been taking Suboxone for several days in a row, it would be difficult to guage how long it will take for you to feel the full effects. Suboxone has a 36 hour half life so it builds up in your system. The longer you take it and the higher the dose, the longer it will take for it to leave your system completely.

How long do you have to wait to take percocet after taking suboxone last night at 8 pm?

That would depend on how much of each you contemplated taking. We can be no more specific than that because of medical liability issues. We suggest you discuss it with your doctor.

Do you take suboxone every 12 hours?

Yes you can. Taking suboxone first and then using can cause you to have withdrawals. But 12 hours should be enough to take subutex/suboxone

Will Vicodin show up on a drug test while taking Suboxone?

yes Vicodin contains hydrocodone/codein and it will show up on a drug test for 2-3 days after ingestion. Suboxone does not make you urinate clean for any opiate (or any drug for that matter) on a drug screen. Suboxone contains buprenorphine and naloxone and it blocks the effects of other opiates for 24-72 hours after your last dose depending on how much suboxone you took. Also, because suboxone contains buprenorphine, DO NOT take suboxone for at least 12-24 hours after taking any kind of opiate as it will immediately put you into precipitated withdrawals. It is exactly like withdrawing from opiates if you are physically dependent on them and is not something to be taken lightly. Opiate withdrawal is absolutely horrible and if you can avoid the onset of withdrawals you should do so at any cost.

Can i take suboxone 8 hours after taking oxycodone?

That depends on whether you are taking the morphine recreationally (to get high), or if you are taking it for pain. If you are taking it to get high, then no, it won't work. You will have to wait at least 36 hours, but probably more like 48 to 72 hours, until the Suboxone is out of your system, before you can feel the effects of the morphine. If you are taking it for pain, then yes, it should still work as a painkiller, even though it won't get you high.

Is it okay to take Co Q-10 with percocet and methadone?

from what i understand methadone blocks the effects of percocet anyway so whats the use in taking it?? as far as co q-10 that im not sure about.