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According to recent research, conducted by the university of manhattan, "weed" or "pot" as the young call it, is in your system for long periods of time. After doing a 25 year study on it, scientists found that when someone took it at the age of 20, it remained in their system, even after they were deceased. People that take "weed" will never pass a drug test, be allowed out or into a country, or have any children (you are infertile, so you can lose the condom)

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Heavy smokers a month, a few hit's, maybe less, each person has different weight, fluids contents can slow or speed it up. Weeds exposure to a heavy person, may take longer as it settles in the fat, that a lean person. Other drugs can be sped up continually consuming high concentrate of acid drinks in the case of all amphetamine type, as baking soda will increase the concentration that slows the urine output of amphetamines with also raises the levels. There are also meds that will increase the blood concentration by slowing the amphetamine release in the blood. Marijuana. Having a resent clean urine in a balloon. Keep it warm, when you know you are going to be tested, have it close to your crotch for the several minutes, just before the pee test.

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Q: How long does weed stay in your system one week?
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The duration weed stays in your system depends on various factors, such as frequency of use, metabolism, and method of consumption. It can typically be detected in urine for up to 30 days, in blood for a few days to a week, and in saliva for up to 24 hours.

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How long will fake weed stay in your system?

Marijuana stays in your system for approximately 31 days. if you are skinny, drink a lot of water, and work out, it can leave as fast as two weeks. this also means that you could not have smoked large amounts. With higher grade, it can stay up to 90 days.

If you smoked weed 1 week ago will it show up on a saliva drug test?

Yes. The chemicals stay in your system, no matter what you do.

If I smoke weed once a week how long will it stay in my system please use info and knowledge that you are 100 percent sure about?

it depends on how much you smoke. for every hit you take you need to give yourself 12 hrs to get it out of your system.