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Q: How long does the triple C high last?
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How many triple C's can you take to get a trippy high?


How do you play the triple high C on the alto saxophone phone?

Try harder...

How much triple c's will get you high?

8 was good (i pack) for me but i recomend 10 next time

Whats triple c?

Triple C is a drug slang term which refers to cough medicine, derived from Coricidin Cough and Cold - a common over-the-counter antihistamine medication. This medication, like other cough syrup products, can be abused like an illicit drug by taking extremely large doses to get high. The "high" is caused by intake of a large amount of dextromethorphan (DXM), a common active ingredient found in many cough medications. This sort of abuse of "Triple C" can be dangerous.

What is the formula for 13-Octadiyne?

1,3-Octadiyne , C8H10 , Octa-1,3-di-yneH-C(triple=)C-C(triple=)C-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3(In this formula scetch (triple=) means: a triple -not a double!- bond between 2 neighbouring C atoms, i.e. " -C=C- ")

How long did ancient Athens empire last?

c. 477BCE - c. 140AD.

What will happen if you take 20 triple c's?

you can die, there's a very high risk, my friend almost died from 15

What is triple prime?

Prime triple definition: Assume that a<b<c. a, b, and c form a prime triple just if both of the pairs (a,b) and (b, c) are twin primes.

What is a triple prime?

Triple prime definition: Assume a<b<c. a, b, and c form a prime triple just if both the pairs (a, b) and (b, c) are twin primes.

What does it mean to get the triple c award?

To get the Triple C Award, is when the person being awarded has shown the three c's: character, commitment, and courage.Hope this helps!!=)

What shape is a triple bond?

C-C is a single-bond carbon C=C is a double-bond carbon... soooo.. if you need a triple-bond carbon make the hyphen thrice..

What are the violin notes for the song of the wind?

G A B A B C B A G A B A G B A(long) REST D(high) B G A B C B A G A B A G B A(long) REST DD(high long) DCD C(long) CA BD(low D) D(long low) (low Ds:) DD D(long) DD(high) DCD(high Ds) C(long) CG BD D(LOW) DD D(LONG LOW