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First, stay away from drug company sites. They don't seem to be very honest about side effects, their severity or how long they last. Secondly, your doctor may TRY to help but he or she only knows what the drug companies are claiming. Do a Google search and find an online med withdrawal support group. has some great resources and groups. I've heard of side effects lasting as much as a year. But then I've spoken to people who have had NO side effects (or withdrawals) at all. ~ T

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12y ago

Its prolly a 2 to 6 hour high I jus got a bag full and I'm gonna try them its a sleeping pill/ antipsychotic so BEWARE LMFAO jkjkjk live life do drugs hahahahahaha XD

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Q: How long does the high last from seroquel?
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How long does it take for seroquel to begin working?

regular seroquel is about an hour and seroquel xr takes about 4hrs

How long does it take seroquel xr 400mg to get out of system?

seroquel xr stays in your system for up to a week or two

How long can seroquel be detected in urine?

90 days

Can you take imipramine seroquel and Lexapro together?

Yes. Seroquel and Lexapro are commonly prescribed together. While 600 mg of Seroquel is quite a large dose, as long as that was what was prescribed it's fine.

Can you take seroquel if you are high on bath salts?

I suppose that this combination is not recommended.

Is Seroquel a psychotropic?

Yes. Seroquel is a quetiapine tablets and extended-release (long-acting) tablets are used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia.

What would happen if a person were to take a 300mg seroquel and a 10mg ketorolac?

well i got high when i took a seroquel but idk what those would do if yu took em both at tha same time. the seroquel screws yu up but yu have to fight through the drowziness. also a side affect is joint twitching and it frigan blows. not a good high at all if your trying to get high

How long does 1 cigarette high last?

about a min, but lung disease last's forever.

How long does the triple C high last?

48 hours

How long does a contact high last?

Depends on how much contact you had with it!

Is seroquel snortable?

Probably but don't do it Seroquel doesn't get you high but if you're gonna try to abuse at least just take it orally. Also nobody snorts Seroquel so no one really knows how safe it is. For all I know you'll have a seizure and die I'm just guessing.

What schedule is seroquel in?

Seroquel is not a scheduled drug.