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24 hours. a monthly coarse of Birth Control pills is designed to protect you against becoming pregnant 24 hours a day and all month long. not every tablet is the same and they coincide with the timing in your reproductive system.

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Q: How long does the effect of a birth control pill lasts every day?
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Does the numbing injection that you get at the dentist for a filling decrease the effectiveness of the birth control pill?

The numbing effect lasts from 2 to 4 hours. Rarely does it last more than that, although there have been cases where the numbing effect lasted for days.

Is there really a kind of birth control that lasts three years?

The contraceptive implant lasts three years, and the IUD lasts five or ten depending on which one you choose.

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That's a common complaint when doubling up.

What are the causes if your period lasts for a day only?

You may be pregnant or on a birth control pill/needle

What is the name of the medicine for long term birth control?

Nexplanon, Mirena, and Paragard provide birth control that lasts for years. Depo Provera provides three months of protection after each injection.

How long does the menstrual cycle last on birth control pills?

It usually lasts about 2-7 days less

How long does the contraceptive injection last?

If you're referring to Depo Provera, it lasts 3 months. I don't know if there is another injectable birth control, but that is how long Depo lasts.

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It lasts every end phase.

Could you be pregnant if you are on birth control and for the past 2 months your period has been a light brown colour and only lasts two days and are now experiencing severe abdominal pain?

It's possible. Babies have been conceived while the mother was on birth control and the father used a condom. Every time you have sex there's a risk of pregnancy.

How long after taking birth control for the first time should it make you nauseated?

The nausea side effect usually disappears before the end of the third cycle. If it lasts longer or is a big problem, talk with your health care provider about changing pills.

What birth control method has the least hormones?

The copper IUD has no hormones, and lasts for 5-7 years. And of course there are always condoms and the sponge.

Why is it that after you started taking birth control pill and your period stopped a few days later you started bleeding again?

Bleeding between periods is common in the initial weeks of using hormonal birth control. It normally settles down within three cycles. If it lasts longer or is bothersome, talk to your health care provider about changing formulas.