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They say infacr it takes a year or more for Depo Provera to be completly resolved from your body.

There has been instances where the Depo will build into body fat.

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Q: How long does the body take to regulate after stopping Provera?
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How long does it take your body to regulate after stopping provera?

It can take up to 12 months for your cycles to regulate after stopping provera. This doesn't mean that you won't menstruate in that time, but there may be a lot of irregularity for the first few months.

How long can you bleed after stopping Depo-Provera and when does your period become regular?

It depends on how long you were on the shot and what your overall health is. The longer you were on the shot, the longer it will probably take for you to get your period again. Once you get your period, it may take several months to regulate itself again. Hang in there and thing should return to normal within 6-24 months.

When do you get your period after changing from Depo-Provera to the birth control pill and stopping the pill?

It can take anywhere from days to 18 months for your period to return after stopping Depo Provera. Taking the birth control pill doesn't change that timing -- the birth control pill doesn't "jump start" or "regulate" your period after stopping Depo Provera. Remember that you can get pregnant before your period restarts, so if you don't want to conceive right now, get on an effective method of birth control.

Does fertility blend work on women who are getting off Depo-Provera after 7 years?

There's nothing in this pill that would speed the return to fertility after stopping Depo Provera. The duration of use is not significant in guessing how long it will take to get pregnant. Take a multivitamin with folic acid; that's all you need as you try to conceive.

How long does Depo-Provera take to wear offAnd when does menstruation begin after discontinuing it?

Depo-Provera can take up to 10 months to fully wear off, with most women regaining fertility within 6-12 months after stopping the injections. Menstruation typically returns within 3-10 months after discontinuing Depo-Provera, but this can vary greatly among individuals.

Is provera used every month?

Provera is taken every day, at the same time, for as long as your doctor prescribes it.

You took provera for 10 days and had your period 4 days after you stop taking them does that mean that the provera pills worked?

Yes the Provera worked. It doesn't matter how long your period lasted for all that matter is your period came after the use of provera.

How long after stopping the pill can you get the shot?

You can have the contraceptive injection Depo Provera in the last few days of your Pill packet.  If you have not taken the Pill for a while, or used any other form of contraception, you will probably have to have a pregnancy test before they will inject you with Depo Provera.  Alternatively, they may ask you to come back for your injection while you are having a menstrual period.

Will you be pregnant by stopping depo for 1 month in your 2 years using it?

If you miss an injection of Depo Provera you are not protected from pregnancy regardless of how long you have been on it. You will need to use a back up method of birth control until you can resume your injections.

How long should it take to get a period after stopping continuous birth control?

It can take up to three months for your period to return after stopping hormonal birth control such as depo provera or the pill. Any longer than this and you should talk to your doctor. Even if you do not have your period, you can still become pregnant so should take precautions if you are not trying to conceive.

How long before getting pregnant after stopping implanon now that you had period?

You may get pregnant at any time after stopping the contraceptive implant. If you had a period, your body is likely ovulating at this point.

How long will your period be delayed after taking Medroxyprogesterone?

The duration and amount of bleeding you experience after taking Provera will vary. Many people find that their periods are roughly the same length as they normally are as when they take Provera. Sometimes bleeding can be longer than usual and heavier than usual, especially if you have not had a period for a long length of time.