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The hepatitis vaccine consists of more than one dose. If your child did not receive the second and third in the series of vaccinations, it may be wise to revaccinate. There is no risk in revaccination. If you have your child's vaccination records, I recommend consulting a physician or the school nurse for further advice. Hepatitis B vaccinations are generally thought to last 20 years or more, when delivered correctly.

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Q: How long does the Hep B vaccination last My 12 year old son had this at birth and his school is now offering this vaccination for the grade 7s. Should he be vaccinated a 2nd time?
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You need medical records from the doctor who vaccinated your child. Some states require a blood test to prove immunity before entering school.

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Yes, they do. But there are exemptions that you can look into.

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Vaccinations are necessary for students to attend public school because if enough kids are unvaccinated, then all of these preventable (and deadly) diseases can spread among the children and the adults at home. This is a public health issue and having children vaccinated for school is the responsible thing to do (both for the child and socially).

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No, it is not right and it is illegal.A little more...Actually, you're presenting a rather difficult question. Under the Privacy Rule, I am not convinced the school is not actually a Covered Entity in that providing vaccination is a provider's job. There's no precedent set on this at this time (2012 June). I think the school would be well-advised to consider themselves as bound by HIPAA in this instance.

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To keep your kids from spreading infections to the other children.

Who gets vaccinated in the US?

Anybody that has entered elementary school . Schools require ALL students to have the proper and up to date vaccinations.

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