it may last for 2-3 days
5 years
Yes. You can be mildly or moderately allergic to a medication you are taking and it can cause a chronic itchy rash. The rash will continue as long as you are taking that medication.
it usauallly last around 1 to 2 weeks at the least
This is not contagios
Diaper rash is usually a fungal infection. If it is severe, a doctor can prescribe an anti-fungal medication. Otherwise, just keep an over the counter diaper rash medication on it, and keep their diaper fresh.
how long does pain of shingles last even after rash has been gone for several weeks
Atarax, a prescribed medication.
Yes, they can get into your pets ears and the pets will get a rash from it. You will have to buy special medication for your pet for the rash.
road rash sting for how long
Because the scarlet fever releases exotoxins into your body... The rash is your body's allergic reaction to those exotoxins. And it usual takes six to nine days for your body to remove the exotoxins so that is why the rash stays for so long... hope this helps