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Marijuana withdrawal differs from person to person and depends much on the psychological dependence of the person. Like quitting nicotine, the first day is relatively undifficult, but the withdrawal symptoms generally peak around the 3rd day and then decline from there. Physically, the THC stays in a person's fat cells for several months, although withdrawal symptoms should have long faded by then.

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Q: How long does marijuana withdrawl last?
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No, marijuana has no withdrawl and wouldn`t cause a rash, however some people may be allegeric to pollen (including marijuana pollen) and get a rash or other allergic reactions from touching on the skin

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It depends on how often you consume marijuana, your weight, and other factors. The marijuana will be the last to leave your system and can take a week to 60 days.

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How long can paronoia last from synthetic marijuana?

People have reported waves of negative side effects from using synthetic marijuana products that can last hours or even days. Stick with the real deal, at least you know what you're getting yourself into.

What reading material is available on marijuana withdrawl?

Haney, M., C. L. Hart, S. K. Vosburg, et al. "Marijuana Withdrawal in Humans: Effects of Oral THC or Divalproex." Neuropsychopharmacology 29 (January 2004): 158-170.