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I weened myself off of Zoloft over a 6 month period and was down to 12.5 mil per day. I skipped 2 days last week and decided on Sunday to take my dose to alleviate the ZAPS. This didn't work, but I did manage to get into a huge fight with my husband over the PlayStation which ended with me crying for 30 minutes about who knows what. I haven't taken any since Sunday and it is now Thursday. I am still dizzy, tired and the ZAPS are so annoying. I am having a hard time concentrating and I'm super tired. I hope that the withdrawal symptoms go away soon. I'd like to get back to my life.

You need to ask yourself if your sanity and your relationship with your family is worth your need to stop taking this medication...Normally speaking, you do not stop taking anti-depressants once you start them. I do not think it is withdrawals you are experiencing, it is the levels of serotonin that your body is being depleted of. The neurotransmitters are going wacko, because it was as a safe level and you stopped taking your meds. Best thing you could do, is either get another prescription soon, or try another anti-depressant.

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