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Q: How long does it take for Psyllium husk out of your system?
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How long does does psyllium husk take to work?

Psyllium husk taken for its fibrous benefits seems to work differently in each person. For some people psyllium husk works instantly and for others it takes about one day.

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Yes of course you can.that is the best way to do it. plus you can add psyllium fibre or also called psyllium husk into your cold drink or you can add psyllium fibre in any oily food and those husk or fibre will totally absorb the fat and cholesterole and your body wont be able to take fat out of psyllium fibre......make it your can find psyllium fibre any where drug store.... depending where you Asian countries mostly seikh stores have it.

Is psyllium husk to best for regularity issues?

Psyllium Husk is one of the best things you can take for irregularity. It is basically fiber made of complex carbohydrates. Psyllium absorbs excess water and stimulates normal bowel movements. It has lots of other benefits such as, help with weight loss and helps maintain cholesterol and blood pressure levels. I would definitely recommend this as a great treatment for your regularity issues.

Why should you not take psyllium with medications?

The only reason not to take psyllium with medications is that it effects the absorption of some medications. The recommendation is to take your medication 2 hours before or 2 hours after consumption of psyllium.

Will Psyllerol help you get THC out of your system faster?

Psyllium can aide in the "flushing out" of THC. Most cleansing products include quantifiable amounts of psyllium seed/husk in them. Psyllium is a fiber, which blocks the reabsorption of fat soluable compounds in your body, including THC. The best bet is to take psyllium along with lots of water (im talking liters) and exercising regularly. If you are at all worried, follow this easy program and take an at home drug test for marijuanna. The kits are about $10 at a CVS or Walmart. Just remember..if you know you have to pass a drug test..STOP SMOKING NOW! The longer you go without, the greater your chances are of passing with flying colors. Hope this helped!

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Can psyllium husks be used for long periods of time without problems?

Yes. According to a recent meta-analysis of research since 1966 (in the European Union) it is possible to take psyllium husks regularly over an extended period of time. This information comes from the German wikipedia website ( which is way more detailed than the English version.

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it take long time i think so