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Q: How long does it take a buried body to decom pose?
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You have to be able to keep a pose for a long period. For instance do regular stretches and keep that pose for a long time Tobi .A. 2010

Is pose a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'pose' is a common noun, a general word for a position of the body held for a special purpose; a general word for behavior that is not natural or sincere and is intended to impress or deceive; a word for any pose of any kind.The word 'pose' is also a verb: pose, poses, posing, posed.

Does tai chi pose ankle and knee problems?

No, tai chi done properly should not pose any unusual risks to any of the joints of the body.

What is the plural of pose?

The word 'pose' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'pose' is a word for a position of the body held for a special purpose; a word for behavior that is not natural or sincere and is intended to impress or deceive; a word for a thing.The noun forms of the verb to pose are poser and the gerund, posing.A related noun form is position.

What has a black body 4 orange legs long stinger and orange wings?

This is most likely a crane fly. They resemble a wasp. Crane flies do not sting or bite and pose no harm to humans.

Is nose a short or a long o sound?

It is a long O due to the silent E. It rhymes with pose and flows.

Which is the pose that was a stylistic signature of the Gothic period?

The pose known as "contrapposto," where the body weight is shifted to one leg, creating a relaxed and natural stance, was a stylistic signature of the Gothic period. This pose added a sense of movement and realism to sculptures and paintings during this time.

What are some yoga pose?

Mountain Pose. Forward Fold. Plank Pose. Downward Dog. Child's Pose

What is the meaning of the word pose?

"Pose" can mean to present oneself or a particular stance or attitude, often in a deliberate or affected manner. It can also refer to a specific position in which a person's body is arranged for a photograph or artwork.

What practice assumes that all blood and certain body fluids pose a risk for transmission of HIV?

The practice known as universal precautions makes the assumption that those bodily fluids pose a risk for transmission of HIV.