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It becomes a part of all of the hair that was in the process of growing when you were using. It becomes a part of the hair.

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13y ago

When they do a hair test they are only supposed to go back three months. However they can go back more than that depending on how long the hair is. Hope this helps

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Q: How long does crack stay in your system if you do hair drug test?
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How long does crack stay in your hair?

Crack cocaine can stay in your hair for up to 90 days depending on the length of your hair and rate of hair growth. Hair tests for drugs can detect a history of drug use over a longer period compared to urine or blood tests.

How long does the drug katamine remain in your system to get away from a hair drug test?

A hair test will show every drug you have used for the length of your hair.

How long does crack stay in your system for a drug test?

too long buddy, your screwed if you have done crack. they will be able to tell you did that shitz for the next 50 years. Put down the pipe.

Can DNA of hair show how long crack stays in your system?

Yes your hair has lots of information I hope you have stopped taking drugs

How long does a any drug stay in your system?

Depends on the drug. Some never leave. Others stay in the hair and fat cells.

What hair product will remove crack cocaine from your hair for analysis?

A clarifying shampoo or a hair detox product specifically designed to remove drug residues from hair may help remove crack cocaine for analysis. It's recommended to follow the product instructions carefully and possibly seek assistance from a professional for best results.

How long does this drug stay in your hair when they do a hair sample?

Drug stay in your hair for months together.

How long does it take for drugs to get of your system?

depends on the drug... weed like a month. opiates usually 3-5 days.. crack like a week

How long do hydro's stay in your system for a hair follicle test?

3 days urine. Hair for years ...detection period for standad hair drug test is 90 days...

If you are 180 pounds and you smoke one joint how long will it take to get out your system?

It doesn't matter what your weight is, but the fact that the drug stays in your fat cells and hair cells long after you smoke. All it takes is a hair sample as long as three months after your use of the drug to show use.

How long does it take to get crack out of your hair?

Uhh... a couple of washes?

How long will amphetamines be detected in a hair analysis drug test?

As long as you have the hair you had when you did the speed.