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Methadone is for people who need help getting off heroin/opiates. For pain(methadone) pill addiction depends on the doctor. They also use methadone as a pain killer.

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Q: How long does an individual need to be on methadone for pain pill addiction?
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What is the main drawback in methadone treatment for a heroin addict?

The main drawbacks for an addict, are that methadone withdraws are more severe and prolonged than coming off of 'street heroin'. Most addicts taking methadone are on it for a long time. Methadone is an addictive substance - the longer you are on it the more you need! Which is why the amount of addicts who actually achieve abstinence whilst using methadone is very low. Methadone dose not stop the obsessive behaviour or thoughts associated with addiction. Addicts usually end up with two addictions - to the methadone and to the heroin! In general, and at best, it can be described as a harm reduction measure. It is cheap to produce and controllable by the Authorities. Which is why it has been, and continues to be used.

A list of methadone friendly doctors?

Any doctor can persribe methadone to a patient as long as there is just casuse. However many doctors won't because of the risk of addiction. If you ahve pain that seriously need attention I recommend seeing a pain doctor. Or someone who specializes in chronic pain.

If you are on 7 mg of methadone but want to get on suboxone how long do you need to wait?

You should wait 24 to 72 hours just to be sure that the methadone is out of your system.

I'm on 50mg of methadone for a month how long will it take for suboxone to work?

Will first you need to get off methadone or be on at least 5mg. And then the doctor can put you on suboxone.

Where can you get help for your addiction to Methadone?

Methadone can be used for two purposes - pain control and addiction control for chronic opioid addicts. For pain control, it can be prescribed by most physicians, but some physicians will not prescribe it because of the connotations it carries along with it. For addiction treatment, only certified addiction specialists can prescribe it. Other physicians can get certified by undergoing training for addiction treatment.

Is methadone more helpful for joint pain then oxycodone?

It all depends. Everyone is different. I have heard people that have had success with both medications for pain. It is all up to the individual and their own preference. Methadone and Oxycodone are different types of opiate drugs. Methadone is a very long lasting opiate but will not have as intense of a euphoric effect, which helps many people who need to function while on a pain-killer. Oxycodone is a much shorter acting and intense opiate. You will feel a much more euphoric effect and "high" than from methadone, but you will need more of the medication (multiple doses in a day).

How do you sign up for methadone treatment?

You can get it by going to a METHADONE clinic, doing an intake, seeing a doctor, and producing a urine test. Methadose is RARELY prescribed by regular doctors, and when it is, its for people who have chronic severe pain. Methadone is methadose in liquid form, and you cannot get a prescription for methadone. Federal law prohibits anyone (including doctors/hospitals) other than a licensed drug treatment clinic to prescribe methadone for addiction. Depending on where you are, some clinics have 1 month waiting lists. summary- you can only get methadone and methadose from a clinic, unless you have a broken back and an allergy to codeine.

How long takes to detox from seboxin?

I was on 40 mgr. of methadone for a bout 9 years, I started to take 2 mgr. of seboxin 2 weeks ago. How long I need to detox from methadone on seboxin? and how to stop taking seboxin?

Can people go from methadone 30mg to suboxone?

yes, providing you go off the methadone for a few days prior to starting the suboxone. Suboxone has "naltraxon" in it which is an opiate antagonist which will purge the methadone from your system in expedited manner making you sicker than you need to be. One Warning about Suboxone; unless you have only been using a short time ( not shooting up) one of the foremost authorities on Heroin addiction who is affiliated with Hoag Hospital indicated to me that long term opiate addicts don't stand much of a chance. Try it though if you are determined to get cleaned up.

Is drug addiction caused by an allergy?

Addiction is caused by changes brought about in the brain by drug use, which cause the individual to need the drug in order to function. "Allergy" was the explanation used in the mid-20th Century, when we knew much less about addiction than we know today. While there is some genetic predisposition to addiction -- especially to alcohol -- addiction does not qualify as an allergy, which is an abnormal response of the immune system with an entirely different mechanism.

Join navy while on methadone?

Absolutely not - while you can ask for a waiver for previous addiction problems (though it likely won't be approved given the current recruiting climate), you need to be free and clear of any opiates for at least a year prior to enlistment.

What are the Side effects of methadone and Effexor?

Some side effects for methadone are. Inhibition to reach orgasm and change of habits. Including binge eating and weight gain due to metabolic change. I have been on methadone for three years and I couldn't of become clean any other way. I tried numerous approaches to quitting but this worked the best.