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Q: How long does a shot of morphine last in an iv injection?
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Related questions

Have you ever had to bend over a receptionist's lap for an injection if so how old were you and what was the shot?

My last buttock injection across a receptionist's lap was a penicillin shot in adolescence.

Can tou eat the meat of a cow after a blackleg shot?

No, the slaughter withdrawal time is usually 21 days after the last injection.

If injection of depo shot is not within the fist or last day of menstrual how long it take to pervent pregnancy?

The depo shot is known to take affect 24hours after you have it injected if your on your period. If your not on your period it could take up to 1week after the injection for it to begin working. Always use a second form of birth control until week 3 if you plan on having unprotected intercourse.

Is legs feeling like wet noodles and can't walk a side effect of a shot of morphine?

this sensation is usually caused by standing in a large vat of wet noodles for a long period of time high on morphine.

What is relation of shot capacity and shot weight in plastics injection molding?

Shot Capacity : The maximum weight of molten resin that the injection molding machine can push out with one forward stroke of the screw during injection molding operation. Shot weight : The weight of the material injected into the mold in a single shot by an injection molding machine. (Weight of the molded part(s) + Weight of the runner + gate and the sprue)

How long does Vivitrol shot last for?

About 4 weeks

What kind of shot do you give a sick car?

A fuel injection.

Ive been on the depot injection for 2 years you had shot last month but im bleeding now very lightly is this normal?

ask your doctor

Advantages in injection molding over others?

Expain 3 shot injection molding process

Was the Iraq-Iran war the last resort?

Not by a long shot.

I shot 150Mg of morphine Friday and test Monday If you take suboxone will it get you clean faster?

No. It will slow down the morphine from exiting your body.

Is a shot needle hollow?

Yes, it has to be to complete the injection.