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Wait at least 2-3 weeks until after you had sex to take the pregnancy test. Even then it might not be a high enough level to detect the hormone. Blood tests at the doctor are much quicker.

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Q: How long do you need to wait before taking a pregnancy test while you are on birth control and don't get periods?
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You took birth control pills before taking a pregnancy test will that affect it?

Birth control pills have no effect on pregnancy tests.

Can you take birth control to delay period if you're not on birth control?

You shouldn't be taking birth control if you're not prescribed it. Birth control pills don't stop periods, they stop pregnancy.

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When the i pill is used, it can delay the periods and the chances of pregnancy are low.

Does stopping taking the pill mess up getting pregnant?

Taking the birth control pill lowers the risk of pregnancy. Not taking the birth control pill does not lower the risk of pregnancy. You are more likely to get pregnant when you are not taking the birth control pill.

You have irregular but you havent had it in months then get some spotting yet a pregnancy test was negative should you take another test if you still have not had your period but you show pregnancy si?

It may be your birth control if you are taking any they cause irregular periods.

Do you have to get tested before getting birth control at a clinic?

Yes you could be pregnant so perform a pregnancy test BEFORE taking birth control.

Can you skip 2 periods while taking birth control and be fine?

Yes, it is possible, BUT if you had sex then you should probably be getting a pregnancy test at this point. If you are not pregnant, then the disruption that birth control can cause to your hormones could cause one or more skipped periods. But definitely take a pregnancy test as soon as possible, as the most important developmental time for a fetus is during the first one or two months and you need to be taking prenatal vitamins.

If I didn't start taking Yasmin the pill after my period will that affect how my period works?

After beginning Yasmin, the pill can regulate your periods. Yasmin is normally a birth control pill that is used to prevent pregnancy.

After taking ipill you get periods before 15 days is it normal?

If you are referring to taking the morning after pill then this is a common side effect of MAP. However, I would recommend you perform a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after taking MAP. With regards to birth control, if you have not missed any pills then this is not normal. This usually indicates that the birth control you are on is not suitable for you or that you have conceived. I would recommend you see your Doctor for a change in medication. Meanwhile, use a condom continously from now until you have been taking the new birth control for 4 weeks.

Is it normal to have a heavy period after you stop taking the birth control pill?

For me it is. But if you continue to have heavy periods and if you did not have heavy periods before you started your pill then you should see your OBGYN. Good luck and God Bless:)

Is it healthy to take birth control at age 13?

Not that I would know of, taking birth control pills causes lighter periods and helps prevent pregnancy. So it's a win win...though I am not promoting sexual relations through this post!

If you miss your period would you have a better chance of bleeding during pregnancy rather than if you didnt miss it would you have more blood for the more missed periods my fiance dont get periods?

Your Fiance is either already pregnate or she is taking some type of birth control.