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For a month and maybe a few days.

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Q: How long do the birth control shot stay in you after you get off it?
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How many years can teenagers use birth control pills?

You can stay on birth control for as long as you want. I

How long does birth control Ring stay in your system once you have stopped taking it?

In a year

What happens when you stay on your period too long?

Get checked for anemia or get put on birth control

How long does the birth control pill stay in your system?

The birth control pill is out of your system within days, but you may have some hormonal-related symptoms as you begin to ovulate again after stopping.

How long does birth control stay in your system if you were on it for only 1 month?

It's out of your system that day. That's why you were supposed to take it daily.

How long can a person stay on birth control before adverse effects may appear?

You can stay on birth control your whole life without adverse effects appearing. But medicine reacts different for different people. Someone might be on it a month and have an adverse effect to it, it all depends on the person.

You were on the depo-shot for 6 months and stopped taking it should you use a back-up method of birth control when I have sex?

Yes, you should use a back up method if you stopped taking the shot. Essentially, the protection stops the week you are due in for your shot. Now, the chances of you conceiving are still slim but a condom or even the pill is recommended. Depo Provera is said to stay in your system for up to 18 months but will not prevent you from getting pregnant after you stop taking it, no matter how long it is in your system or how long you were taking the shot.

If you stop taking depo and start taking the pill how long will it stay in your system?

The birth control pill does not change how long depo provera stays in your system, and doesn't get it out of your system faster.

How long should you be on birth control to regulate your period?

Birth control pill bring more regular bleeding while you're taking it, but won't make any long term change in your menstrual cycle after you stop. Therefore, stay on it as long as you like to have regular bleeding with the understanding that it does not cure any underlying problem causing menstrual irregularity.

How long does cortisone shot for bee sting stay in your system?

one month

How long does a hippopotamus stay pregnant?

A hippopotamus stays pregnant for around 8 months before giving birth to a single calf.

How long your period stay on after you stop taking your birth control pills?

Because birth control pills lighten the amount of menstrual flow, you will likely have longer and heavier flow after you stop. You are likely to return to your previous menstrual pattern. The amount and length of bleeding is unpredictable as it varies from woman to woman.