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Q: How long do pups stay with there families?
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How long do pups stay with their mother?

8-12 weeks!

How long do pups stay with mother before they go to new home?

On average, 7 weeks.

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Do foxes live in families?

they live in small packs such as mom and pups

If you stay at the den on wolfquest what will happen?

Nothing .... Youll Just sit and your Mate Will Go to the rivers . but if you stay dont forget to feed your pups (if you have pups )

How long do wolves nurse their young?

the mom lays on her side and her pups drink her milk.

How long does a peek-a-poo stay pregnant?

2 Month's have a peek-a-poo and she was only pregnant 2 months and had 3 healthy pups.

How long will the mom of the pup stay with the puppy?

It's a good idea that the mother keeps nursing her young pups until the pups are 6 to 8 weeks old. This way puppies will get a good start on life.

How long are meerkats pregnant for?

Meerkat pups stay in underground burrows for three weeks then walk out of there burrow and hang around for a few days. They are never really carried that much.

How long does it take for your pups in wolfquest to cange color?

Once pups are born, they do not change color.

What is the gray wolves shelter?

Wolves are pretty tough so they hardly ever sleep in shelters. But when they have pups the mother and the pups stay in a den. From Wolf Girl

Do meerkat cubs help the adult meerkats?

No, Meerkat pups don't help the adults. Meerkat pups stay in the burrow under the eye of a babysitter who's job it is to stay and look after the pups while the family is out foraging. When Meerkat pups are old enough to to go out foraging with the family they still do not help the adult Meerkats until they have grown up because they are unable to help the adults in any way