As long as you have the hair you had when you did the speed.
Hair Follicle drug testing is the most accurate, long term, and hard to beat, of all laboratory drug testing. As your hair grows, any chemical substances in your body also grow out with your hair. Other than shaving your head, there is no way to hide drugs in a hair follicle test.
A standard hair follicle screen covers a period of approximately 90 days, but is susceptible to time variation depending on the growth rate of your hair.
It will depend on how long it has been since the drugs were used. They can take a sample of hair and test it from root to end. There are places that will "wash" your hair but just know nothing is %100... Thanks, DefTone
Your hair expels everything that goes in your body, all of your hair.
Hair colour deposits into the hair follicle, it will grow out in time. It depends on how long you want you hair to be.
Don't smoke meth
One to two years. It stays in the hair. Better not to use at all.
A long time.90 days is the usually cited period.
The hair follicles will retain any and all drugs that you have or will use. yes anytype of drug use can found in the follicle. However cocaine can be found in the hair follicle as long as 10[ten] years.
3 days urine. Hair for years ...detection period for standad hair drug test is 90 days...
Hair follicles can be used to test for the presence or past use of alcohol. Alcohol can stay in a hair follicle for up to 120 days.