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Two of the most likely possibilities are:

If you suddenly stop taking Lexapro, you may feel like you have the flu. You also might have trouble sleeping, have an upset stomach, have shock-like sensations in the arms and hands, feel dizzy, or feel nervous. This usually begins within 1 to 10 days after you stop taking Lexapro. It is not dangerous or life threatening and usually goes away within one week. Not everyone who stops taking antidepressants experiences this syndrome, and it is less likely if medicines are slowly tapered off over a few weeks.

The other possibility is the return of depression symptoms. Antidepressants need to be continued for at least 6 to 18 months in most people for depression symptoms to stay away when the medicines are stopped. Stopping them too early means that within days to weeks (occasionally 1 to 2 months) symptoms of depression return. These can include irritability, fatigue and change in appetite, among others. Sometimes people need to be on antidepressants for a longer than usual, or even indefinite period of time.

Always consult a medical professional before discontinuing your use of any antidepressant.

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19y ago

You shouldn't get any withdrawal symptoms while you are taking the drug. However, once you stop taking it it's possible (even if unlikely) to get withdrawal symptoms, even though these are more often associated with other SSRIs (namely Effexor). My friend had a very difficult withdrawal when she quit citalopram, which included things like heart symptoms. It's advisable to taper down your dose instead of just quitting the medication cold turkey.

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15y ago

I have taken 20mg of Lexapro for 3 years now. I am trying to quit cold turkey. Day 1 & 2 were fine. Days 3-7 have been hell!!!! I have very crazy and vivid dreams causing me to wake up in sweat. About every 5-10 minutes I have what they call brain zaps. I have been EXTREMELY irritable. I am hoping this is all short lived so I can have my old life back (less the 30 pounds of weight I gained while on this)

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13y ago

they are rare and dose related. at 10mg I rarely see problems. At 20mg I have seen some loss of interest in sex and some fatigue. Overall, I think it's a great drug. As one patient told me, if it weren't for lexapro he would be divorced and unemployed.

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13y ago

Please see the related question below. You will find all kinds of experiences and advice there around withdrawal from Lexapro.

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this will help you - check out the link below ...all kinds of experiences and advice here on withdrawal from lexapro good luck!How_long_do_Lexapro_withdrawal_symptoms_last

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