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Since I'm sure you read Methadone and Xanax is commonly a lethal combination, I wouldn't recommend doing this unless you have a prior high tolerance to heroin or Oxycontin AND Methadone, as well as experience with Xanax.

I've taken 10mg of Methadone and 1mg of Xanax a few times and it was perfect. Then again, I had a tolerance to 80-120mg of Oxycontin, a tolerance of up to 20mg Methadone (pill form, not the liquid) and took 1mg of Xanax with it and was perfectly okay.

I really don't recommend this to anyone since everybodys different, but I've known several tolerant people who have done this and have been okay. However, if you do not have tolerance to any of these medications, I would definitely take them separately. I would wait at least wait 6 hours before taking Xanax after your Methadone dose, or vice-versa if you absolutely must.

Take care!

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Only a doctor should give you, the patient, such advice.

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No. Methadone is a very mild opiate in terms of its "high", that is why it is chosen by drug clinics to detox from opiates. As long as you are on a dose of methadone that is appropriate, you will not have to stop work or feel any major effects from methadone.

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That would be defeating the object. If you are on a drugs program, they will slowly reduce your Methadone prescription and provide other support if needed.

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The main drawbacks for an addict, are that methadone withdraws are more severe and prolonged than coming off of 'street heroin'. Most addicts taking methadone are on it for a long time. Methadone is an addictive substance - the longer you are on it the more you need! Which is why the amount of addicts who actually achieve abstinence whilst using methadone is very low. Methadone dose not stop the obsessive behaviour or thoughts associated with addiction. Addicts usually end up with two addictions - to the methadone and to the heroin! In general, and at best, it can be described as a harm reduction measure. It is cheap to produce and controllable by the Authorities. Which is why it has been, and continues to be used.

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Does methadone wean you off morphine?

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Will methadone stop Oxycontin withdrawals?

Yes, methadone is used to treat withdrawals from Oxycontin and other opiate drugs.