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Mild wheezing may be relieved by drinking plenty of juice, water, weak tea, and broth. This helps to replace fluids lost because of rapid breathing and loosen mucus in the air passages.

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Q: How is mild wheezing treated in alternative medicine?
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Mild wheezing caused by infection or acute illness usually disappears when the underlying cause is eliminated.

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Adults with mild disease, two to four weeks.

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What is the meaning of mild?

Gentle; pleasant; kind; soft; bland; clement; hence, moderate in degree or quality; -- the opposite of harsh, severe, irritating, violent, disagreeable, etc.; -- applied to persons and things; as, a mild disposition; a mild eye; a mild air; a mild medicine; a mild insanity.

What signs and symptoms would you expect in someone who has a mild obstruction of the throat?

coughing, wheezing, hand clutching, or pointing to throat, difficulty in breathing, reddening on face, inability to speak

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The symptoms range from mild (coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath) to severe and life threatening (severe shortness of breath and difficulty getting enough oxygen).

What is the Telugu meaning of mild?

Gentle; pleasant; kind; soft; bland; clement; hence, moderate in degree or quality; -- the opposite of harsh, severe, irritating, violent, disagreeable, etc.; -- applied to persons and things; as, a mild disposition; a mild eye; a mild air; a mild medicine; a mild insanity.