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This may not be the answer you're looking for exactly, but evolution doesn't exist. Maybe the organisms have changed slightly over time (natural selection) but they did not completely evolve. God created them as they are.

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Q: How is evolution taking place in antibiotic and bacteria?
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Which event best indicates that evolution is still taking place?

The presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a clear indication that evolution is still occurring. As antibiotics are used more frequently, bacteria can develop mutations that make them resistant to these drugs, showcasing natural selection in action.

Is antibiotic resistance proof of evolution?

Yes, antibiotic resistance is considered a clear example of evolution in action. Bacteria evolve over time in response to environmental pressures, such as exposure to antibiotics, and those with genetic mutations that confer resistance survive and reproduce, leading to a population of bacteria that is resistant to the antibiotic. This process demonstrates natural selection and adaptation, which are key mechanisms of evolution.

What system sees evolution as taking place by inherent forces?

This is the open system. It allows for evolution taking place in order to have the world look and act in the way that it does now.

A system sees evolution as taking place entirely by inhrent forces?

open system

Can you see evolution in action today?

Yes, evolution can be observed in action today through processes like natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow. Examples include the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria and changes in animal behavior due to environmental pressures.

Are wisdom teeth an example of human evolution taking place right now?

Wisdom teeth are vestigial organs, which are organs that have lost their original or primary function. Wisdom teeth were used when humans had a primarily vegetative diet and needed to chew through thick vegetation. Rather than an example of evolution taking place, wisdom teeth reveal the remains of evolution.

What proof do we have evolution taking place?

Evidence for evolution includes the fossil record, comparative anatomy, molecular biology, and observed instances of natural selection. These different lines of evidence all support the concept of biological evolution occurring over time.

Does tetracycline act as an anti-inflammatory?

Tetracycline is an antibiotic, which kills bacteria. It is not an anti-inflammatory medication, but if it treats the underlying problem that requires the antibiotic in the first place, then technically one could say that it could "act" as a medication that will help the inflammation go down simply by treating the infection.

Will thrush from antibiotics clear up after I stop taking them?

No! Antibiotics will make thrush worse. Anti-biotics work by killing all bacteria, both good and bad. Thrush is caused by candida bacteria. Anti-biotics will kill the bacteria that opposes the candida bacteria and keeps the body in harmony, so taking anti-biotics will make your thrush worse or will have been the root cause of your thrush in the first place. You must use an anti-fungal medication either on the source of the problem - like a pessary or cream or take action systemically - by taking oral anti-fungal medication.

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is called?

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is called antibiotic resistance, which occurs when bacteria evolve to withstand the effects of antibiotics, rendering the medications ineffective in treating infections caused by these bacteria. This resistance can develop through mutations in bacterial DNA or acquisition of resistance genes from other bacteria.

Is evolution still taking place?

Yes. Evolution is a continuous process. It happens to all populations of living things, even to human populations. However, it may occur at varying rates, depending on the size of the population and other circumstances, so it may not be immediately apparent that evolution is, in fact, happening.

What are some of the problems with Devolution?

There is no such thing as devolution, it is always evolution taking place, devolution is just a new word that usually spreads a very naive misconception about the evolution of man. About problems, can you please clarify your question? I personally find it incomprehensible.