There are still cases of polio out there today, so we have the vaccinations if someday we were to have another breakout of the epidemic!
Inactivated polio vaccine is given to children as part of their routine infant vaccinations during their first 18 months or so.
Dr. Jonas Salk invented the vaccine against the polio. Before that the whole world was worried about the polio. Polio used to affect the most precious population, children! Two years before the invention of the polio vaccine, in US alone about 50,000 children got affected by polio. Dr. Jonas Salk did not get the patent for the vaccine, so that the vaccine became affordable for every body. Today is the 100th birth day of this hero. (28th October 2014.)Jonas Salk invented polio vaccine. He did not patent the vaccine, so that it should be made affordable to every body.
It was the success of the Salk Vaccine.
Yes, children in the U.S have to get the vaccine for polio. They get it in the first 6 months of life.
Roosevelt's disability which made it impossible for him to walk. was due to an attack of polio. The March of Dimes which was held on his birthday, raised large amounts of money for polio research and may have helped the finding of the polio vaccine.
Unlikely, there is now a vaccine for polio and now polio has become weakened to a point where people who have may not experience all the severe symptoms as when the outbreak hit. for example: polio would cause lung failure in the time of the outbreak but now it is very uncommon to see in polio patients. Just take the vaccine and you'll be safe.
The oral polio vaccine is a live virus that is mutated in order for it to be strong enough to induce an immune response but weak enough to not cause disease. This replication in the host of the live virus gave a better immune response and also allowed the vaccine strain to spread and inoculate people who did not directly (intentionally) received the disease. The problem is that rarely it could "back mutate" and actually produce polio disease. It is believed that when the oral polio vaccine was widely used in the US there were about 10 cases per year of vaccine induced polio (compared to thousands of cases per year of natural polio before the vaccine was developed). Some studies cast doubt on this number by carefully examining proposed cases and finding other causes in most of them. When the polio incidence became nearly zero it was decided that the advantaged of increased immunity and increased spread of the oral vaccine were not worth the vaccine induced cases and so the US, and most developed countries, switched to the injectable vaccine.
The first ever polio vaccine was developed by Dr Jonas Salk at the University of Pittsburgh in the early 1950s. It was a killed vaccine that was tested in clinical trials in 1954 and ultimately gained government approval by 1955 for use on the common public. There is also another polio vaccine that was developed by Dr Albert Sabin. This vaccine was a live version of the polio virus and is taken orally. It was approved for use in the general public in 1963. == == == == == == == ==
The first oral polio vaccine, administered as a liquid drop applied to a sugar cube, was developed by Albert Sabin. It was licensed for use in the US in 1962, seven years after Jonas Salk's inactivated virus vaccine was licensed.
Polio was one of the most dreaded childhood diseases of the 20th Century in the United States. There were usually about 13,000 to 20,000 cases of paralytic polio reported each year in the US before the introduction of Salk inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) in 1955. Polio peaked in 1952 when there were more than 21,000 reported cases. The number of cases of polio decreased dramatically following introduction of the vaccine and the development of a national vaccination program. In 1965, only 61 cases of paralytic polio were reported compared to 2,525 cases reported cases just five years earlier in 1960.
Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccination.