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Peyote is a very strong psychedelic, containing mostly Mescaline. Psychedelics can be used to explore one's own psychology, and can be used to change mental patterns. Healing done through peyote works on the theory that positive thought is healthy, sort of like a placebo, if the person believes they are healed, the body is more likely to recover. All peyote does is allow you to change the way you think, the way your mind works, it can be used to quit an addiction, or even to improve your chances at recovering from physical illness by changing your mental outlook.

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According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, the DEA, Mescaline has absolutely no medical use. However, the DEA has a history of very poor analysis on the subject of medical uses. What can be conclusively said is that at this time, no medical benefits have been proven.

However, other psychoactives of the same type, namely those that deal with serotonin reception and release such as Psilocybin and MDMA respectively, have shown some psychotherapeutic value in a handful of studies. In fact, MDMA saw its first common usage as an empathy-inducing agent in couples undergoing marriage counseling in the early 1980's. Recent studies have indicated profound, long-lasting anti-depressive effects resulting from the administration of a single Psilocybin dose.

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How do you recover from peyote addiction?

Peyote isn't an addictive drug. A lot of people really like peyote, but there aren't any physical addictions to it.

Can you die from peyote?

yes 99% of people will die

What is the peyote producing plant?

Peyote comes from the peyote cactus or Lophophora williamsii.

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Can you Smoke Peyote?

Is peyote illegal in KY?

Excluding the use of peyote by Native Americans for religious purposes, peyote is illegal in Kentucky.

What scheduale is peyote?

peyote is schedule 1 as it contains mescaline

What is the chemical formula of the peyote?

Peyote is a plant not a chemical substance.

How many people die a year from peyote?

There is limited data on the number of deaths specifically attributed to peyote use due to its rare occurrence. However, peyote ingestion is generally considered safe in traditional religious practices when used responsibly and as directed.

What is the primary active chemical in peyote?

The alkaloid most responsible for the effects of peyote is mescaline. However, peyote also contains many other alkaloids that contribute to its effects.

Can people heal god?

No but God can heal you

Did Native Americans eat peyote?

Native Americans who are members of the Native American Church, do consume peyote for ceremonies. Enrolled tribal members are the only people who are legally allowed to consume peyote for the purpose of religious ceremony. The Texas Dept of Public Safety is in charge of who is legally allowed to grow peyote, sell it, transport it and which Native American Churches have permission to use it. The Church must be recognized by a federally recognized tribe.

What is a source of peyote?

cactuses are good eat them all until you get blazed or die lol