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A recent study, conducted at the University of Buffalo in New York in 1998, reports that marijuana affects sperm function by compromising its ability to get to and fertilize the egg. The study attributes the cause to cannabinoids (compounds found in marijuana). These cannabinoids are similar to natural body substances called anandamides. University scientists believe that anandamides function in helping sperm get to and fertilize the egg. It is believed that marijuana cannabinoids are chemically similar to anandamides. Receptors meant to respond to anadamines may also respond to cannabinoids. By responding to the wrong body substance successful fertilizing of the egg may not occur.

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Marijuana effects sperm by reducing its availability in a males body and makes it impossible for guys to get deep throated by ugly skanks using Mary Jane.

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Smoking marijuana does decrease sperm count. It also decreases seminal fluid, and causes the sperm to swim in a more uncoordinated manner.

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For me it didn't. My girlfriend at the time [now my wife] and myself were smoking the night we conceived, and I smoked for years prior. Just depends on your own genetics.

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Q: How does marijuana use affect sperm count?
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NO..i saw the movie.."Super High Me" its a documentary..(like the movie "super size me") and he went to the doctor and it didn't show a low sperm was about the same..

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Does marijuana effect male reproduction?

Marijuana can impact male reproductive health by reducing sperm count, motility, and morphology. Prolonged use may also lead to hormonal disruptions that affect testosterone production and sperm quality. It's recommended to avoid or limit marijuana use if trying to conceive.

Can marijuana transfer through sperm?

There is limited research on this topic, but some studies suggest that THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, can be found in semen. However, it is unclear how much THC would need to be present to affect fertility or the health of a fetus. More research is needed to fully understand the potential effects of marijuana use on sperm and pregnancy.

Can a marijuana smoking man get you pregnant?

Yes, marijuana has no affect on the male sperm count, there have been reports that it lowers your sperm count, but however this is not confirmed. Doug Benson, a famous comedian made a move to document the affects of marijuana to his health, sperm count, etc; entitled "Super High Me" (a spin off name taken from the "Super Size Me") Where he stayed high on marijuana for 30 days (having a full medical exam before and after) and in his tests his sperm count shot up by huge numbers. However your question entitles "smoking" as the key way of administration, smoking in any form can lower your sperm count, but he would have to smoke an insane amount of pot each day until the tar starts to kill his sperm off. Hope this answered you question, and BE SAFE! Always use a condom!!!!

When taking a semen analysis test can they tell if you smoke marijuana?

A semen analysis test typically assesses parameters like sperm count, motility, and morphology. It does not specifically test for marijuana use. To detect marijuana in the body, a separate urine or blood test would be needed.

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Can you still have kids by smoking weed seeds?

Yes. There is a common myth that marijuana kills your sperm or shrinks your testicles or some other such thing, but the latest research indicates that even heavy marijuana use has negligible effects on fertility. I would be more concerned with possible harm to the child if you or your partner becomes pregnant. While it isn't entirely clear, there is some indication that mothers who smoke marijuana while pregnant have children with memory problems. Developing children are very sensitive and it's generally a bad idea to take any drugs, legal or illegal, if you are pregnant