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Ecstasy has a wide range of effects varying from positive to negative. According to, these effects include:

POSITIVE * extreme mood lift * increased willingness to communicate * increase in energy (stimulation) * ego softening * feelings of comfort, belonging, and closeness to others * feelings of love and empathy * forgiveness * increased awareness & appreciation of music * increased awareness of senses. (eating, drinking, smell) * profound life-changing spiritual experiences * neurotically based fear dissolution * sensations bright and intense * urge to hug and kiss people

NEUTRAL * appetite loss * visual distortion * rapid, involuntary eye jiggling (nystagmus) * mild visual hallucinations (uncommon) * moderately increased heart rate and blood pressure (increases with dose) * restlessness, nervousness, shivering * change in body temperature regulation * upwellings of unexpected emotion, emotional lability * strong desire to do or want more when coming down

NEGATIVE * (negative side effects increase with higher doses and frequent use)

* inappropriate and/or unintended emotional bonding * tendency to say things you might feel uncomfortable about later * mild to extreme jaw clenching (trisma), tongue and cheek chewing, and teeth grinding (bruxia) * difficulty concentrating & problems with activities requiring linear focus * short-term memory scramble or loss & confusion * muscle tension * erectile disfunction and difficulty reaching orgasm * increase in body temperature, hyperthermia, dehydration (drink water) * hyponatremia (don't drink too much water) * nausea and vomiting * headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, and vertigo * sadness on coming down, sense of loss or immediate nostalgia * post-trip Crash - unpleasantly harsh comedown from the peak effect * hangover the next day, lasting days to weeks * mild depression and fatigue for up to a week * severe depression and/or fatigue (uncommon) * possible strong urge to repeat the experience, though not physically addictive * possible psychological crisis requiring hospitalization (psychotic episodes, severe panic attacks, etc) (rare) * possible liver toxicity (rare) * possible neurotoxicity (controversial) * small risk of death. Approximately 2 per 100,000 users have extreme negative reactions resulting in death.

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Q: How does ecstasy feel like the first time?
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How is the first time you take extasy?

It's like nothing you've felt before, and nothing you will ever feel again. People do ecstasy again and again looking for the feeling they got the first time they did it. Well not all people, but a lot of people are like that. So enjoy it.

What do you reccomand for a first time ecstasy?

To stay away from it.

How do you take a ecstasy pill for the first time?

ANSWER: by mouth.

Can you show some of our body organ which damage by taking ecstasy?

Your brain will be damaged after taking ecstasy for your first time

How much should a first time user of ecstasy take?


Could effects of ecstasy be delayed until 24 hours after ingestion?

No. If you do not feel the effects of the pill within 1 or 2 hours of taking it, chances are you are not going to feel it at all. A lot of users don't feel the full effect of E their first time taking it.

What are death statistics for ecstasy?

Douglas Ward says 20% of first time users die.

When to call a girl first time?

anytime you feel like you're ready.

When should a girl have here first kiss?

When you Feel like its the right time. :]

What system of the body does ecstasy effect?

Ecstasy makes your body feel amazing, but its effects are very dangerous to your health as a whole, physically and mentally. Using Ecstasy ruins the central nervous system, increases the rate of heart-beat and results is death when symptoms get complicated over a period of time.

Why did Bone Thugs Write the song Ecstasy?

The lyrics explain the first time they used it. Before ecstasy was popular, Bone we're predominantly weed smokers who never heard of that pill. So they just wanted to share the first experience using ecstasy. That song is f*cking tight.

What is a fact about ecstasy?

Some people have been known to die after ingesting it the first time. You are basically playing around with the delicate chemistry in your brain when you use a mood drug like this.