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Caffeine, when in the blood system, allows a gland in the brain to unlock, releasing an endorphin in the blood stream causing your heart to beat faster, and thusly everything to work more quickly in your body. Caffeine in small doses is considered to be rather good for you

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  • Too much caffeine can cause sleepless nights; upset stomachs and make a person nervous and edgy.
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it raises your blood bresure

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Q: How does caffeine affect your stress level?
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How does procrastination effect a persons stress level?

The stress level will be increased. In this case, the word "affect" should be used.

Does caffeine affect stress levels?

Caffeine gives a temporary boost of adrenaline to your body. If you ingest large amounts of caffeine, it can lead to a negative effect on your brain. Caffeine is ranked at one of the highest "Most craved" items, so when you're trying to sleep, your body is constantly craving caffeine (causing you to lose sleep, and feel more stress) . If you can control the amount of caffeine you ingest... it can boost your mood.

How does watching fish affect your blood pressure?

It has been scientifically proven that watching fish lowers the stress level in humans. When the stress level is lowered, the blood pressure is also lowered.

How does comfort food affect your stress level?

You shouldn't really eat "comfort food" when you are stressed. You just think you feel better, because you are loading calories. It does not really affect your stress at all.

Why does caffeine affect a person's typing speed?

Caffeine is a stimulant, which is the reason it could affect your typing speed.

Does caffeine have an affect on plant growth?

I belived that givng caffeine to a plant will cause i it to have no reaction to the caffeine

Does caffeine affect birth control?

Caffeine does not affect how well birth control works. Thank goodness!

Is Coca-Cola a diuretic?

It does contain a level of caffeine, so it will act in that way. Of course the more you drink, the more the caffeine and liquid intake will cause that reaction too. A sensible level of intake should not have too much of an adverse affect on a healthy person.

Does caffeine affect your heart rate and blood pressure when you exercise?

Yes Caffeine is a stimulant. Stimulants are a drug category known for stimulating or speeding up our natural body processes, such as heart rate. When you consume something that contains caffeine it elevates your heart rate and blood pressure. Caffeine will stress your body during exercise because your heart is working harder than normally would if you hadn't consumed caffeine beforehand.

What are 4 factors that affect blood pressure?

Body position - standing, sitting, lying down Smoking - will increase BP Caffeine - will increase BP Alcohol - will increase BP Emotional State - stress, anger, relaxed Activity level - not moving, extreme activities Temperature - BP will increase when colder

What we get from coffee?

Caffeine and we can also reduce our stress by taking a cup of coffee

How Does caffeine affect bean plant growth?

yes it affect the growth.