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Taking a vaccination - you are enabling your body to produce antibodies.

Taking antibodies - you get antibodies, but they eventually disappear from your blood stream, and without them being replenished by your own cells, you lose the protection.

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Q: How does a vaccination work differently than taking antibodies?
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Differently THAN is correct. My question was: is it "differently than" or "differently from" but I can't find any examples of "differently from" in all of Google, so I have to assume "differently than" is the correct choice. 'Different FROM' is correct, from this. 'differently from' arises. Searching Google [I notice your correct but unusual capitalisation of the proper noun ' Google'] implies you are interested in the wisdom of crowds rather than grammatical correctness.

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definitely get the vaccination. I have HPV and I really wish I would've gotten the vaccination because just like the chicken pox or the flu or any other virus, it can prevent it. Which if you prevent HPV, you prevent cervical cancer. Of course, you can always take the vaccination if it's just minor, which is what I'm doing. There are more than one type of HPV so taking the vaccination even while you have HPV can prevent it getting worse. The vaccination doesn't even hurt that bad, it burns the insert area for about 5 seconds and then it's gone. You have to take three shots and then you'll be safe.

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Why protein injection is better than vaccination?

vaccination is the method to enhance the resistance to a particular disease. in this method a weakened or killed bacteria is injected in the this method there is risk of the bacteria activating again after entering the body and there is a risk of acquiring the particular diseasebut in protein injection method the bacteria is grown in a particular bacterial culture and the protein of the particular disease is extracted from it. and is injected in the body . as the protein cannot cause a disease it is harmless. and also as the body creates antibodies for the particular protein it gets immune to that particular disease. and also there is no risk of acquiring the disease no virus or bacteria is present ..hence protein injection is a better option than vaccination.

Why is aN ANTI tetanus vaccination given?

Antisera is given to patients because it contains specific antibodies to the tetanus toxin. By binding, antibody to toxin, the toxin is neutralized. Otherwise, the toxin will cause tetanic musscle contractions seen in patients. This antisera causes a much faster response than the toxoid that is used as a vaccination. In this senario, a innactive form of the tetanus toxin (which is a toxoid) is introduced to healthy individuals. This toxoid causes the body (specifically B-cells) to produce antibodies and most importantly memory cells. Individuals who have circulating levels of antibody are considered immune to tetanus because the body will combat the pathogen before it has a chance to produce toxins.

If you had bacterial infection Would it be a good idea to ask for a vaccination against the bacteria why or why not?

It would be better to ask for some anti-bacterial medication rather than a vaccination.

How do you treat small pox?

Smallpox has been eradicated - thanks to vaccination campaigns. The only truly effective "treatment" for smallpox is vaccination. Receiving a vaccination within 3 days of exposure should severely lessen or completely prevent symptoms. Other than vaccination, other treatments are mostly supportive, such as wound care.

What is a characteristic part of the secondary immune response?

Memory B cells are a characteristic part of the secondary immune response. They are formed during the primary immune response and can quickly recognize and respond to a previously encountered antigen by producing antibodies. This results in a faster and more robust immune response upon subsequent exposure to the same antigen.

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get a vaccination most countries have the vaccine in their child vaccination plan so they children MUST get the vaccine.Prevention is better than cure.

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Body shop companies should not treat women any differently than they treat men. It's a good idea to have a basic understanding of how cars work and how much repairs usually cost before taking your car to any body shop though. yes