A feminine male might become more masculine with testosterone injections. However, these injections come with a variety of unpleasant side effects. It is recommended to see a therapist or other health professional before starting testosterone injections.
Because of testosterone injections
No. There's no THC in testosterone.
Go to a doctor and get injections.
yes from your gp after blood tests to show you have low toresterone
Two days.
It can't cure the problem, but it greatly helps. I have just such an issue, as mine is caused from the Klinefelter syndrome. I have received testosterone injections since 1988, of which I currently receive bi-weekly injections of it. It does increase the low level of testosterone. It is used throughout one's body to furnish the needed nutrients that the body normally produces, such as for promoting the "maleness", hair, deepening of voice, bone density, beard, muscle mass, and other male characteristics.
There is the possibility of testosterone injections which can produce more male like traits.
The provider in Florida should be able to bill Michigan Medicaid for the care given.
It should. If it doesn't, it is not expensive.