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Q: How do you treat lack of estrogen?
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How does estrogen treat premature menopause?

Estrogen relieves the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, including the hot flashes and the vaginal dryness.

Does lack of testosterone cause feminization?

Not feminization, which is caused by estrogen and progesterone. But it causes a lack of male characteristics.

What hormonal problem might a person which soft bones from lack of calcium have?

Osteoporosis is related to lack of estrogen and progesterone.

Lack of this causes blood vessels to kink and the endometrium to slough off?

Progesterone & Estrogen

What is a hormone that causes sleep disorders?

Insomnia (lack of sleep) hormones include estrogen and testosterone. Estrogen is one of the hormones which is called a sleep-maintaining hormone. When your body doesn't produce enough estrogen, your ability to get a full night's sleep suffers as a result.

Why would the mesentery be used for primary fat storage in men but not women?

Estrogen causes fat storage to be primarily in the hips and buttocks. Men, who lack estrogen, primarily story mesenteric(lower abdominal) fat.

What are the most causes of dryness in women?

Lack of the hormone estrogen, nervousness or insufficient time / stimulation to become fully aroused.

How is adenocarcinoma treated?

adrogens and estrogens play an important role in treating the adenocarcinoma.diethylstilbestrol an estrogen used to antagonize the the effect of DHT this reduces the progession of the disease .surgical methods are used to treat the adenocarcinoma .radiation therapy is also used to treat the adenocarcinoma adrogens and estrogens play an important role in treating the adenocarcinoma.diethylstilbestrol an estrogen used to antagonize the the effect of DHT this reduces the progession of the disease .surgical methods are used to treat the adenocarcinoma .radiation therapy is also used to treat the adenocarcinoma adrogens and estrogens play an important role in treating the adenocarcinoma.diethylstilbestrol an estrogen used to antagonize the the effect of DHT this reduces the progession of the disease .surgical methods are used to treat the adenocarcinoma .radiation therapy is also used to treat the adenocarcinoma

What are cellular changes associated with atrophy and inflammation on a Pap smear result?

The tissues of the cervix are inflamed, and the cause seems to be lack of estrogen.

If you have a sharp tingly prickly pain in your breasts after the day you had your IUI are you pregnant?

Tingling breasts are caused by a lack of progesterone or estrogen, or too much estrogen or progesterone. Depending on the percentages of each in your system. Painful breasts does not indicate pregnancy.

What is cyanocobalamin used for?

It is used to treat and prevent a lack of vitamin B12.

How would you know that you lack of estrogen?

You wouldn't know unless you go to the doctor. In most cases it doesnt become a problem until you are trying to get pregnant.