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The time release for products like MSContin (morphine sulfate) and Oxycontin (oxycodone hcl) is not in the coloured coating, it is in the entire matrix of the pill. Crushing the pill before oral ingestion defeats the time release which is why controlled release products generally state that one should not do this.

Other time release technology is used in products like Kapanol (morphine sulfate), in the form of tiny beads designed to slow release the drug. They are contained in a gel cap which melts after oral ingestion, releasing them to break down slowly. In the same way, if the beads are emptied out of the gel cap and finely powdered before oral ingestion, the time release is defeated, and a potentially dangerous amount of drug will be released at one time.

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Q: How do you take time release coating off morphine?
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No, you do not take sedatives on top of narcotic pain medicines. Overdosing on sedative medication can make you pass out and stop breathing. Morphine is very habit forming and very dangerous. Follow your doctor's orders carefully. Do not take extra morphine, and do not take other medications on top of morphine unless your doctor specifically tells you to.

Can you take morphine and methadone at the same time?

Yes. I'm currently taking both for nerve damage to my knee. 10 mg of both 3x's a day on the methadone only once on the MSContin IR (Instant release morphine)

How much morphine should you take at 1 time?

Only what your DR. has prescribed for you to take.

Does the 40mg Oxycontin have the time release on it?

The coating is resistant to digestion. It dissolves a little at a time allowing the meds to release slowly

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Will morphine ER and morphine IR be identical in a urine analysis test?

Yes. The only difference in these drugs is how they are prepared so that they release either immediately or over a sustained period of time. They are both morphine sulfate.

How are morphine and codeine taken?

Morphine can be taken IV, IM or orally. Codeine is taken orally. If not time release pills such as morphine comes in, which would be twice a day. They both usually say T tab po 4-6 hrs prn pain. Meaning ..... Take one tablet by mouth as need for pain.

What is the difference between Naproxen and Naproxen-EC?

EC has a time release coating on it. Sh

What is the chemical composition of Oxycontin?

I don't know the details, but oxycodone is synthesized from thebaine, one of the alkaloids found in opium. The other major alkaloids of opium are morphine and codeine. Buprenorphine is also derived from thebaine. Hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, and dihydrocodeinone are all derived from morphine. Codeine is metabolized into morphine in our livers. BULL SH!T. oxymorphone is made from thebain. all the good opiates and the strongest are made from thebain.

What does dilautin pills look like?

its round flat on both sides and chalky there is no time release coating on it