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Iam from southern part of India, I had started this tablet as fun at first and give fun while sitting alone or driving. I started this when 20 years old and now am 25 Years .I used 50 mg capsules, I ll take tablets in between 5-10-15 first it was fun..But after I found out that the medicine is controling me and my sleep...I tried several times to stop this but i cant. But desperatly I need to stop this. In India we can this medicine from pharmacy without any prescription.But for the last three months i didnt took single tramzac. I stoped this suddenly....for I week i didt get any sleep..I was wandering here and there in the night and my leg was buring when i try to sleep when iam tired of sleeplessness...But when am stoped I was not at India and I cant get medicine directly without prescription...I tried to get but I didnt...So i have only one choice to stop..after 3-4 days of hard day and night. I went to see a physciatrist. He helped me with a medicine that helped to retain my sleep...I forgot the name......If you want that medicine name I can give you, contact me in mail( But it took almost one month to relive me from that completely. But am sure man you can stop this as I can do. Try not to buy and consult with a docter. He will help you to stop taking this medicine and retreval syndrom.

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Q: How do you stop the using of tramadol I have tried many timesbut he withdrawal symptoms didnot allow me to quit the usageNow can you give me a way to stop using this medicine I am using tramadol 50mg?
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ultram or toradol same drug as tramadol

Is tramadol addicting?

Like with all opioid drugs, patients can become physically dependent on tramadol. It can have severe withdrawal symptoms; it is abused as a recreational drug less than some other opioids.

Can you take tramadol with brunoprephine?

Tramadol is a synthetic opiate painkiller so should not be taken at the same time as Buprenorphine as this is an opiate blocker. The Tramadol would not work properly and the Buprenorphine may even cause a physical withdrawal from the Tramadol.

Will drinking alcohol help with tramadol withdrawal symptoms?

I believe that drinking alcohol will never help the situation it can cause more problems than it is worth. If you think it is something your doctor should be concerned with tell him. So No it will not help.

If you are physically dependent on methadone and take tramadol will it cause you to go into immediate withdrawal?

I have a friend who goes to the methadone clinic. This person told me that tramadol and methadone together can kill you.

Is hydrocodone and tramadol the same medicine with different name?

No, they are two separate medications. Hydrocodone is a narcotic medication, and Tramadol is considered NOT to be narcotic.

What is the difference between Tramadol and Tramadol HCI?

You can find HCl suffix after many medicine contents. The difference is Tramadol HCl has a better bio availability than Tramadol, that means more portion of the medicine may be absorbed through the intestine. EXPLANATION: The stomach has an acidic environment. Tramadol HCl is a weak acid, so it will less ionize in acidic environment and only unionized molecules are absorbed through the gut. So Tramadol HCl is better at being absorbed through the gut than Tramadol.

What veterinary medicine is AN 627?

A small white pill with the marking AN 627 is Tramadol. Tramadol is a pain reliever used in both humans and animals.

What pharmacies sell pain medicine Tramadol made by drug company Pliva?

none tramadol is a prescription only medication as it is a strong opioid analgesic

Do you kneed a prescription for tramadol?

Tramadol is a synthetic stripped-down analog of codeine and, as such, is an opioid .It's on prescription because it has some serious side effects and you can get addicted to it. Patients prescribed tramadol for general pain relief along with other agents have reported uncontrollable withdrawal-like nervous tremors if weaning off the medication happens too quickly.More in link below.