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To give you the correct answer would be contrary to what the Wiki community strives for. We try to inform, educate, and help others. Anything that is destructive, harmful, illegal, or just plain morally wrong should not be answered. But since you asked I will give you my opinion. First you need to find a room where you can close the curtains and lock the door because pot tends to make you paranoid and you know that someone will know what you are doing. The second thing to do is to not go to work for a month because if they do a random urine test they will bust you and you will lose your job anyway. The third thing is to get yourself used to people looking at you because you know that they can tell that you smoked dope. That is the paranoia thing again. The sixth thing is get used to not being able to count correctly or think straight. Pot is a mind altering drug. Plan on how to use all your money to buy more pot because although they say it is not addictive you will need more and the chances are you will advance to stronger drugs. ??? Plan on your funeral arrangements now while you can still think straight. I know this may sound funny, but I tell you the truth. Right now, June 23rd 2008 my cousin who is in his 50's is lying in a hospital bed hooked up to life support. In a day or two they will terminate his life support and he will die. He started out smoking pot when he was a teenager. Now he is brain dead in the hospital. Please do better than he did. May God be with Gary's family.

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13y ago
You place the unlit ciggarette in your mouth,Use a lighter or candle lighter to burn it and inhale while you light it.This is how you keep it lite while smoking so it doesnt die out.Keep inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly so you can get use to it.

Be aware that it will taste horrible and you will caugh when you start smoking.If you dont wanna deal with the taste then put some Pancake Syrup in your mouth.It suprisingly neutralizes the taste after you inhale.although if u wanna smoke thik about the cosequences!death!dont start smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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13y ago

the same if you wanted to smoke a ciggerate just take a big breath in while your mouth is on the pipe and then you have just smoked a pipe.

pps i wouldn't smoke a pip cause itle kill ya lungs much faster than a ciggerate.

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