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the only way to sell pot "legally" is through ownership of a medicinal despencery in one of the 14 states that has legalized the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. However in some of the states that have legalized medicinal marijuana, the penalty for possesion has been reduced to misdemener charge, however in larger amounts with paraphernelia i.e. a scale and small plastic bags, the charge is much worse depending on the state you're in.

all in all, unless you own a dispencery, be ready to face charges if you're ever caught dealing.

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14y ago

You have the right papers, and then you can just go up to the bud-tender or manager. You are like a traveling salesmen.

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Q: How do you sell marijuana legally?
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Medical marijuana shops in Washington cannot sell Marijuana to the public unless you are a medical marijuana card holders.

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Millions. On top of all the people using it recreationally and (unfortunately) illegally, several states have medical marijuana programs. In California, for example, you can apply for a marijuana card with your doctor's recommendation and you can actually go to one of many stores across the state that legally sell marijuana to patients. They even have marijuana vending machines at some.

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Can you be arrested for one marijuana seed?

Legally speaking, No. Marijuana seed has no THC content, plus, it's not mariujana, it's a marijuana seed. If you had like a ALOT of seeds, I'm sure they can charge you with conspiracy to grow and sell or something, either way they are going to want to take it and throw whatever they got at you.

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There's more than one Alberta in the world. And no, none of them allow marijuana legally.

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Not legally. Growing marijuana is always illegal under federal law.

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Yes, unless its medical marijuana and you have a licence.

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