

Best Answer

It's proven that eating too much chocolate can increase estrogen level. So, if a man's estrogen level is high... he must not eat too much choco (although thats pretty hard since chocolates tastes so good) LOL!

Another answer:

Actually, chocolate may compete with estrogen. That is why women on their monthly's prefer chocolate. It helps modulate the effects of the estrogen to help balance the mood.

If a man's estrogen level is too high, it is important to ascertain the cause. If this is a teenage boy, this is normal and usually resolves on its own. Perhaps the testes may produce some estrogen before they start producing testosterone. Or it could be that the DNA code for the testosterone receptors are not fully "unpacked" and the testosterone gets converted to estrogen until the body becomes capable of using it. This may be compounded if the male in question is overweight, since testosterone breaks down into estrogen in the presence of the aromatase enzyme, and this enzyme is most abundant in fatty tissue.

Other things that raise estrogen levels in males may include:

  • Tumors
  • Medication side-effects
  • Mistakenly prescribed medications (like Premarin for Prednisone)
  • Drug/alcohol use (allegedly, though not completely proven)
  • Testosterone and steroid abuse (the body converts those to estrogen to eliminate them)
  • prostate cancer therapy
  • Undiagnosed intersex disorder
  • Kleinfelter's syndrome
  • Drugging, criminal mischief (eg., girlfriend putting estrogen in the food)
  • Food tainted with estrogen (was once a meat and dairy problem)
  • Misuse of estrogen cream (eg., using it as sexual lubricant and he gets it too).
  • Liver disease - the body may not make the precursors for testosterone, aromatization may increase, and estrogen clearance from the body may decrease.

If you know the cause, you would stop it. Quit any unprescribed drugs. Be certain that sexual lubricants are just that, and not prescription estrogen cream. Ask your girlfriend or spouse if she uses estrogen cream and when she applies it - she may have to change her usage schedule so it isn't within a couple hours of sex. Examine any patches you wear for nicotine or medications to make sure someone didn't swap them with estrogen patches. Ask a pharmacist if you notice any unfamiliar medications in your prescriptions in case there are medication mixups. Be suspicious if the pills are football (oval) shaped and burghundy in color (possibly Premarin, CES, or Cenestin), or if the tablets are small, round, and lavender or pale green (possibly Estrace or generic). If you are on prescription medications for hair loss or given HRT for acne, then quit them and tell your doctor. If you are receiving cancer treatment, tell your doctor if you have feminization symptoms, but don't quit any medications.

Verify the source and production of your meat and dairy products. A family complained of feminization symptoms (the males were growing breasts - including the dog, the 5-year-old was menstruating, the mother stopped menstruating). It turned out they were getting chicken necks out of a farm's garbage, and the necks contained estrogen pellets (for fattening purposes).

You should also report any suspected poisoning to the police. Be suspicious if you are being coerced to take "vitamins" or there is a powdery residue in your drink.

As for other causes, only a doctor can tell you if those are relevant. If you are receiving treatment for prostate cancer or you were born with Kleinfelter's Syndrome, chances are, you would already know. A doctor can rule out cancer, tumors, advanced liver disease, and intersex disorders that were not previously diagnosed.

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How can I block estrogen?

There are a few ways to block estrogen. If you're a man and have high levels of estrogen, you can talk to your doctor about a prescription estrogen blocker. Non-medical ways to block estrogen is to lose weight if you're overweight, eat veggies like kale, broccoli, and Brussels Sprouts, reduce your alcohol intake, avoid soy products, and avoid eating meat products from animals raised with synthetic hormones.

Can high levels of estrogen stop you getting pregnant?

As it holds the egg in place as the estrogen thickens the walls of the uterus as estrogen is produce in the follicle on production of an egg for fertilisation. If the egg is not fertilised then the estrogen levels fall, allowing a woman to dispel the egg as the lining thins out which in turns brings on the mentrual cycle. Therefore it plays an important part in releasing the egg and holding it in place to be fertilised.

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The roundness and tenderness is related to estrogen levels. Estrogen levels rise and fall when you are not pregnant, and when you are pregnant estrogen levels rise substantially.

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And estrogen levels increase when a man has a high amt of body fat, which can contribute to infertility. Yes, testosterone levels are lower in the obese.

What happen to estrogen and progesterone levels just prior to menstruation?

Estrogen and progesterone levels begin to increase prior to mensuration.

What happen to estrogen and progesterone levels just prior to menstruations?

Estrogen and progesterone levels begin to increase prior to mensuration.

How will estrogen effect your T4 levels?

it will raise t4 levels

What happens to estrogen and progesterone levels just prior to menstruation?

Estrogen and progesterone levels begin to increase prior to mensuration.

What is taximo drug for?

Maybe you mean -Tamoxifen? Which is generic drug for Nolvadex.If its taken by a guy its probably used inconjunction or after steroid use to reduce estrogen levels.

How do estrogen levels influence prolactin levels?

Prolactin is a hormone that acts directly on the mammary glands to produce breast milk. This happens when a woman because pregnant, and when a woman is pregnant, the body reaches high levels of estrogen. Thus, increased levels of estrogen will directly increase levels of prolactin.

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No, the opposite. All parts are removed in a hysterectomy that provide the hormones to maintain estrogen levels. To have normal estrogen hormone replacement is needed.

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